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Oct 18, 2021




Flu is basically the short-term for influenza virus, and as the name explains, it is a virus, which means once it is inside your body, it can make you contagious to others that are around you as well.  

Not too different is the case of a common cold as well. It is the ultimate result of viral infection as well (most commonly to your nose or your throat). Therefore, it can be contagious to others too.   

Both of these aren't exactly a threat to humanity or harmful in any way (not long-term at least), but that doesn't mean they are any less irritating. So, it is only natural that one wouldn't want to transfer it to his/her loved ones.  

How long are you contagious with the flu?  

If you are someone who has a strong immune system, you may be contagious beginning from a day before when your symptoms appear up till the 5th day of your flu. However, if you have a comparatively weaker immune system, you can easily pass on the virus for up to seven or eight days. You are at your most contagious in the first three days of your illness.  Similar is what happens when you catch a cold. 

On that note, here are some effective ways to get rid of your fever/flu quickly.  

  • try eating garlic (or have garlic tea)    
  • have an adequate intake of warm liquids   
  • get plenty of rest 
  • add more protein to your diet. 

Oct 22, 2021

The flu is communicable and can be transmitted easily. It takes almost a week to stay in the mode of transmission. Typically, you are contagious from 1 day before you have any symptoms and it persists 5 to 7 days after you start experiencing symptoms. People with weak immune systems may shed the virus even longer. The virus can be spread until symptoms disappear. You are most likely to spread the virus in the first 3 to 4 days. That’s because the more you cough and sneeze, the more droplets you shoot into the air and onto objects around you.

The Spreading mechanism

  • In most cases, it is through droplets in the air. When you sneeze or cough beads of moisture can be transmitted that contain the flu virus.
  • The virus can be transmitted up to 6 feet. 
  • The droplets can be transferred through breathing or might reach in nose or eyes. 
  • It can also be apprehended through touching a place contaminated with droplets and then touching your face. 
  • The virus can live on hard surfaces for up to 48 hours.

Oct 27, 2021

For the flu, the contagious period starts about 1 day before the beginning of symptoms. It can last as long as five to seven days when you first felt sick. A person suffering from flu is the most contagious during the three to four days after they've started feeling sick. As for colds, we are contagious generally one to two days before starting the symptoms. The contagious period can last for as long as the symptoms exist. However, in some rare cases, the contagious period can last for about 2 weeks.

Flu and cold are spread through the air. Contaminated surfaces and closed contacts can also be responsible for the spread of this disease. That's why people suffering from either flu or cold should be extra vigilant to keep their families safe at home. Following some basic steps like washing your hands and eating utensils can be beneficial. Furthermore, directly touching doorknobs should be avoided to prevent the spread of germs. In case a person is sneezing or coughing, he should start wearing a face mask. Staying home would be the best until the contagious period is over and the doctor allows you to go outside.


Nov 14, 2021

Every time you cough or sneeze due to a respiratory infection, germs-filled droplets are released into the air. The virus- or bacteria-filled particles can even fly as high as six feet. Hence, anyone near you can become a target.

If you are having the flu, you are contagious a day before your symptoms appear. You'll no longer be contagious 5-7 after getting the symptoms. In case of a cold, it is contagious 1-2 days before the symptoms start. You will not be contagious 2 weeks after getting exposed to the virus. Lastly, the people suffering from stomach virus will no longer be contagious after up to two weeks of getting exposed.

This duration, however, may not be accurate for you. You might still be contagious when you go back to work. That's why protecting people around you from flu or cold is important. Here are some precautionary measures that you can take to ensure the safety of others around you:

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water often
  • Don't use your hands or elbow to cough or sneeze. Instead, use your hands
  • Try wearing a respiratory mask
  • Warn people you meet about your sickness so they can wash your hands and remain at a distance

Whether it is flu or cold, it will go away in a few days. You can stay home and have some rest. It will ensure others are safe from your infection and you won't end up making it worse.


Dec 03, 2021


How do you get to know when you have the flu or a cold. Well, you can detect it by many symptoms.

Common flu symptoms include cough, fever, aches, and fatigue and flu symptoms usually come on faster than cold symptoms.

Cold symptoms are more likely to come on gradually and usually include cough, sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat. Colds usually don't cause a fever in adults.


Cold and flu can actually be extremely frustrating and may cause a strain on your work. Staying home and resting when you're sick is an important part of both getting better and preventing the further spread of illness. Good for you, if you stayed home when you weren't feeling well and your colleagues thank you for it.  You should avoid going back to your  work or school until you're no longer contagious.


The contagious period for the flu begins about 1 day before symptoms start and can last as long as 5-7 days from when you first felt sick.

You're generally contagious with a cold 1-2 days before your symptoms start, and you could be contagious as long as your symptoms are present in rare cases, up to 2 weeks.
Both the flu and a cold are generally spread through the air, by close contact, or contaminated surfaces.