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  • Joined Apr 25, 2021

  • Living in London, United Kingdom

  • Last active Sep 05, 2022

Yes, I still read books and I have been for as long as I can remember. Reading is, above all, the best pastime I have. Although, this isn't the first time that I am coming across a question like this. Every where I go, people are talking about this. Yes, the number of people who enjoy reading are lesser in comparison to those who prefer watching Netflix but that doesn't mean they have gone extinct.As for the why, reading is something that takes me out of my routine and helps me escape the reality that I continuously live in. Yes, a few netflix shows can do that as well but the attachment I form with these fictional characters because I can tap into their thoughts is a completely different form of attachment. If you are someone who reads, I am sure you get what I'm talking about.


If you like history, you're most probably not going to like my answer. I would suggest that you go for computer science because it has more real-life implications and is generally a more practical subject as well. If nothing else, it will open several academic doors for you i.e, fields that you can pursue in the future which history may not be able to do for you.So, from that perspective, computer science is a very wise choice. If you are passionate about history, you can always take it up as a minor or study it as a hobby.



September 03, 2022

So, one of these students at my school, was an year senior to us and he was also the head boy. Although, before he got the role, he was often bullied by his classmates. So, one random day, some loose-in-the-head pupil decided to call him a 'pigeon', I don't necessarily know what that was supposed to imply but it was meant as an insult. It had something to do with the guy going completely bald or something of the sort.And so, he fell victim to that insult and it soon turned into a nickname, everyone was calling him a pigeon. The funny thing is, he adjusted to it pretty okay soon enough too, as though completely forgetting its origin.



September 03, 2022

To me, grades aren't all that important when it comes to education. I mean sure, they sort of determine what your standing is in an environment and how much you have 'learned' something but examinations are a very biased way to go about things. Judging how well I know a subject based on how well I have the formulas memorized really doesn't cut it, does it?What is really important is if you actually learned something and not just learned, but if that learning is going to be practically applied. If that is going to help you, that is great. You should be glad because you have achieved the true outcome of studying or education.



September 03, 2022

Ugh, don't even get me started. the school that I went to for some time in my life (it was a missionary school), it was no less than a prison. All the rules that we had there were pretty pointless and made the school seem less like a learning institute and more like a place where we were kept enclosed, perhaps jail would be the best description.So, we weren't allowed to eat or drink in our classes. And for the sake of saying so, not being allowed to eat makes sense because then the students would be carried away by their food and stop paying attention (even though that doesn't make a lot of sense either) but we weren't allowed to drink water...from our water bottles. We had to ask permission from the teacher first and honestly, now that I think about it, it makes me feel so cringed out. Water is a basic necessity and I don't even have to move an inch from my seat, wth is the permission for.



September 03, 2022

The first step that we have to help fight economic inequality is understanding and accepting that it can not completely be eradicated. As a matter of fact, if it was to completely go away, I don't know how we would operate as a society anyways.Aside from that, the biggest issue that causes inequality is that we let wealth accumulate in the hands of the rich, there is no way for the rich to effectively transfer their wealth to those who do not have the same amount of money and so, the rich only keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. So, according to my understanding, such reformatory measures are required at a state level. The government needs to ensure that money is taken from the hands of the business class and handed to the lower middle class or people under the poverty line so the economy is self regulatory.



September 03, 2022

Man, I wish I had some techniques because I see this question everywhere around me, but I don't. My supreme technique is to trickle down the time that I have for preparation all the way down to a week. and a half, then divide my entire course accordingly and get to studying. Otherwise, I just can't take it seriously and give in to my distractions because I tend to have the impression that there is plenty of time left. Whereas at the end, I know that there is no other option left, this is my last resort and I have to make the very best of it. So, in a nutshell, my strategy i knowing that I perform good under pressure (and under pressure only) and then using it to my fair benefit. Tadaa! It's all about figuring yourself out instead of stressing yourself out the whole damn year.



September 03, 2022

I never knew I'd be saying this but yes, someone amongst my family members actually did that and we had no idea about it even until he got selected for the job. He just randomly mentioned it one day in a conversation past dinner and I was flabbergasted.So, what he did was that in his resume he mentioned that he had a GPA of 3.95 in his BS degree and he completed it with honors, which was obviously far from the truth. But he was clever enough to mention the rest of the details accurately so no one would think that this one piece of information could be made up either. And as I've already mentioned above, he got the job! And while I wouldn't encourage this, it does make up for a pretty funny story to recall.



September 03, 2022

It isn't just the American system that needs changing but so much more, I believe the education system all around the world (especially in third world countries like my own) need to be put to perspective again. First of all, it is the 21st century, we need to stop staying glued to our text books and theories, it's not going to take us very far. Students walk out of university, about 14 years of education and they have no idea how the hell to apply anything that they learned to reality. That is perhaps the biggest flaw in the education system. Students aren't taught how they're meant to make use of the physics principals that they learned or how to practice CBT as psychology majors.Besides, it is finally time that we switch from traditional researches and studies to teaching and talking about contemporary resources, we certainly need that.



September 03, 2022

This is a very subjective question that you've tried really hard to turn into objective and generalizable but since that is what it is, let me try to appropriately respond to it.Let's take this analogy for example, if you are passionate about physics, you have a physics lab and all the text books etc that you need but you have not studied the subject, will you be able to do better on a final exam as compared to a student who has all of that (or even doesn't) but has thoroughly studied the material for the exam and knows what is in the text book. Yep, the 2nd student is probably going to do a better job. This is quite similar to that as well, being muscular and strong is a plus point but if you don't know the correct technique to wrestle someone down, what good is the strength you have?


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Apr 25, 2021

  • Living in London, United Kingdom

  • Last active Sep 05, 2022

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