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Joined Oct 08, 2021
Living in Karachi, Pakistan
Last active Aug 08, 2022
Mechanical waves encompass all sound waves. A transverse wave is one in which the particles of the medium move in the opposite direction as the wave's motion. A transverse wave is the name for this sort of wave. The particle motion in transverse waves is always perpendicular to the wave motion.
Wave periods are the amount of time it takes to complete one wave cycle. The period of a wave is found by taking the inverse of the frequency, or dividing the wavelength by its velocity. Wave Period: The time it takes for two successive crests (one wavelength) to pass a specified point. The wave period is often referenced in seconds, e.g. one wave every 6 seconds.The formula for frequency is: f (frequency) = 1 / T (period). f = c / λ = wave speed c (m/s) / wavelength λ (m). The formula for time is: T (period) = 1 / f (frequency). λ = c / f = wave speed c (m/s) / frequency f (Hz).