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May 16, 2022


Mechanical waves encompass all sound waves. A transverse wave is one in which the particles of the medium move in the opposite direction as the wave's motion. A transverse wave is the name for this sort of wave. The particle motion in transverse waves is always perpendicular to the wave motion.



May 16, 2022


Wave periods are the amount of time it takes to complete one wave cycle. The period of a wave is found by taking the inverse of the frequency, or dividing the wavelength by its velocity. Wave Period: The time it takes for two successive crests (one wavelength) to pass a specified point. The wave period is often referenced in seconds, e.g. one wave every 6 seconds.The formula for frequency is: f (frequency) = 1 / T (period). f = c / λ = wave speed c (m/s) / wavelength λ (m). The formula for time is: T (period) = 1 / f (frequency). λ = c / f = wave speed c (m/s) / frequency f (Hz).



May 16, 2022


Metamorphic rocks 🏔are formed from other rocks that are changed because of heat or pressure. They are not made from molten rock – rocks that do melt form igneous rocks instead. Earth movements can cause rocks to be deeply buried or squeezed. As a result, the rocks are heated and put under great pressure .There are two main types of metamorphism: Contact metamorphism—occurs when magma contacts a rock, changing it by extreme heat (Figure 4.14). Regional metamorphism—occurs when great masses of rock change over a wide area due to pressure exerted on rocks at plate boundaries.



May 16, 2022


Sound waves travel via vibrating items, which vibrate other nearby objects, bringing the sound with them. The waves weaken as they get further away from the source of the sound until they can no longer vibrate any additional particles. The sound wave travels at a speed of 340 metres per second. Using the formula d = v • t, the distance is calculated to be 25.5 m.A vacuum does not allow sound waves to travel. This is due to the fact that sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium to travel through (such as air or water). Sound is a vibration that travels through a material such as a gas, liquid, or solid as an audible wave of pressure.



May 16, 2022


The electrostatic attraction 🧲 between oppositely charged ions in a chemical molecule forms an (ionic bond), also known as an electrovalent bond. When the valence (outermost) electrons of one atom are permanently transferred to another atom, a bond is formed. The production of sodium fluoride, NaF, from a sodium atom and a fluorine atom is an example of an ionic connection. The sodium atom gives up its solitary valence electron to the fluorine atom, which has just enough room to take it in this reaction.🔁



May 16, 2022


A mechanical wave (〰) is a wave that is caused by the oscillation of matter and so conveys energy through a medium in physics .While waves can travel great distances, the medium of transmission—the material—can only move so far. As a result, the oscillating material stays close to its original equilibrium position. Mechanical waves can only be generated in mediums with elasticity and inertia. Mechanical waves are divided into three categories: transverse waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves. Water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves are some of the most frequent instances of mechanical waves.Mechanical waves (〰), like all waves, convey energy. The wave's energy propagates in the same direction. A wave requires an initial energy input, after which it travels through the medium until all of its energy has been transmitted. Electromagnetic waves, on the other hand, do not require a medium yet can still move through one.Mechanical waves (〰) have an interesting trait in that their amplitudes are measured in an unusual way: displacement divided by (reduced) wavelength. When this approaches unity, major nonlinear effects such as harmonic production and, if large enough, chaotic phenomena may emerge. When this dimensionless amplitude surpasses 1, for example, waves on the surface of a body of water break, resulting in foam on the surface and turbulent mixing.



May 16, 2022


The number of waves that travel through a particular point in a given length of time is referred to as frequency. The frequency is 2 per second if the time it takes for a wave to pass is 1/2 second. The frequency is 100 per hour if it takes 1/100 of an hour. A wave is a behavior pattern that repeats itself.What repeats itself is a whole wave. So, is it top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top? Mid-to-Mid should be avoided since a whole wave crosses Mid twice. Half a wave from top to bottom.🔝🔽Waves (〰)come in a variety of shapes and sizes. A sound wave, for example, oscillates from 'high pressure'-'decrease'-'low pressure'-'increase' etc. close to the sea waves. All musical instruments begin with an oscillation that forms a wave in the air.The frequency of a wave is the number of times it repeats itself (per second, normally). 1 Hertz (1Hz) stands for one cycle per second. A 170Hz sound rattles the air thickness 170 times per second. (Each wave takes 1170 seconds to complete.)The definition of frequency is "occurrences per second." (As a result, the term frequency is also used to other occurrences per time.) "A sucker is born every minute," for example, hence the frequency of "suckers born" is "1 per minute." The number of globe births per day is also a frequency.)



May 16, 2022


One teaspoon of granulated sugar equals 4 grams of sugar. How to Convert Tablespoons of Sugar to Grams. To convert a tablespoon measurement to a gram measurement, multiply the sugar by the conversion ratio. The sugar in grams is equal to the tablespoons multiplied by 12.5.The AHA suggests a stricter added-sugar limit of no more than 100 calories per day (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) for most adult women and no more than 150 calories per day (about 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of sugar) for most men.



May 16, 2022


On certain parts of the ocean floor, submarine volcanoes and volcanic vents are prevalent. Some are active right now, spewing steam and rock debris far over the sea's surface in shallow water to reveal their presence.🌊🗻⛰Undersea mountains generated by volcanic activity, known as seamounts, were formerly regarded to constitute little more than a danger to underwater navigation. These structures are now recognised as ecological hotspots, supporting a diverse diversity of marine species.



May 16, 2022


According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, women are likely to need between 1,600 and 2,400 calories a day, and men from 2,000 to 3,000. However, this depends on their age, size, height, lifestyle, overall health, and activity level. So, to lose weight, you should be eating between 1500 and 2000 calories per day. Research has shown that reducing your caloric intake by about 500 per day will contribute to around one pound of weight loss. The number of calories you should consume depends on several other factors such as age and your activity level.


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  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Aug 08, 2022

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