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Jan 12, 2022


#1: No Sex Discrimination

It’s time when we humans should learn lessons from Armadillos who have 4 babies at a time and are all the same sex. Maybe the ratio of women to men will receive a boost by it.

#2: Green Waters

85% of plant life is found in the ocean and every General science teacher has been teaching the students that the Amazon forest has the maximum amount of vegetation.

#3: Wonders of Oxygen

Not only does it enable animals to live, oxygen can also turn a lobster’s colorless blood to blue when exposed to oxygen.

#4: Sweet lemons

The small yellow colored lemons are known to contain more sugar than strawberries.

#5: No More Power Cuts

Nature has also provided man with different creatures carrying the extreme level of uniqueness such as electric eels that are capable of venting a discharge of 600 volts.

#6: A Desired Flower

The largest individual flower on Earth is from a plant called Rafflesia arnoldii. Its flowers reach up to 1 meter (3 feet) in diameter and weigh around 10kg.

#7: The Burning After Effects

One of the most dangerous yet interesting fact about Nature is that around three quarters of the increase in CO2 levels from human activity over the last 20 years has come from the burning up of various fossil fuels. Another reason for increase in CO2 is deforestation (cutting trees for construction and other purposes)

#8: 6mm is Enough!

During the summer months, mice will generally live outside and remain confronted there. But, with the drop in the temperature they seek the warmth of our houses. Thanks to their soft skulls and gnawing ability, a size of a ballpoint pen (6mm – 1/4 inch) is large enough for them to enter. Once inside, they constantly nibble at virtually anything – including concrete, lead, and plastic, so as to keep their ever-growing teeth at a convenient length. Opposing the belief, mice aren’t fond of cheese – but will eat it on occasion. Mice can jump up to 46cm (18 inches), swim, and travel vertically or upside-down. In order to mice proof your house, we must watch out for all the openings as big as the tip of a ball point pen.

#9: Wonderful Eyes

We all imagine pupils to be round but goats have horizontal slits which are nearly rectangular when amplified, giving the goats a vision covering 320-340 degrees; which means they can see virtually all around them without having to move. Consequently, animals with rectangular eyes can see better at night due to having larger pupils that can be closed more tightly during the day to restrict light. Octopuses are also known to have rectangular pupils.

#10: Two Spots

Horses are handicapped with two blind spots – the first is directly in front of them and the other is directly behind their head.

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Sep 08, 2022


Nature not only contains plantations but also animals of all sorts. Most times humans tend to underestimate what animals can do due to which humans can face consequences as well, either positive or negative. A surprising fact is that tigers are the most vengeful animals out there, they make sure to take revenge on those who do them wrong in any way. In addition, a few amazing facts about frogs are that the gender of frogs can be identified by looking at their ears, which can be useful for students studying and doing research. Moreover, frogs can jump 20 times higher than their height which seems to be an interesting fact however, less known by humans. Furthermore, this is not a commonly known fact but ants can weigh more than humans if combined. A little something about birds that is unknowingly surprising is that owls don't have eyeballs. Moreover, gorillas can catch a human cold and other illnesses that are known to be on humans. 

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