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Feb 08, 2022





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Feb 08, 2022


Good evening,

Yes, I think a cat can love its master or its mistress.

That's the way she looks at me when, for example, I'm reading, or I'm on Quora, or when I'm watching TV. I surprised her looking at me like that, when I suddenly felt her 2 big amber colored eyes staring at me insistently. I lifted my chin and I see that look, a look that envelops you in peace, in sweetness, yes, I'm convinced of love. No doubt a love of gratitude for having adopted her from a shelter when they found her in a garbage bag in a dumpster. I dare not imagine if she had passed in the dump truck. She was 4 months old when I brought her home, wild, fearful, scared in a new environment, it took me 2 months to approach her. Impossible. Constantly hidden in my closet. I told him. "Listen make your life,

Today she is 4 years old and she has become a real pot of glue. Always talking to you, follow me wherever I go. In the morning when I come back from tour (I work at night, home care worker) the ritual, she puts herself on her back and presents her belly to me for the scratching session. I love.

From her big amber eyes that look at me and probe my soul, how can you not melt with love yes for such a pure being. The cat, I believe that it is this animal which knows how to read in the deepest part of you, which manages to detect all kinds of feelings. An infinite perception of meaning. Delicate and sensual when he moves on his velvet paws to give you his infinite love. Wild and lioness when she asks you for the game or who wants to keep her intimacy, her moments, just hers with this part of selfishness. But so endearing, loving, fragile but who wants to be both strong and Amazon, a cat can love his master or his mistress. Only this feline that dates back to the dawn of time knows how to love you, protect you, give you a hundredfold loyalty. He or she will come back to you with his 9 lives, no matter the color of his dress and his eyes, but he will come back to you with his soul, which will not change. It will always be the same to be and stay by your side.

Let me introduce Navette to you (well, it's the Aspa who named her that way) but I call her Mimi.

Sincerely Sophie 🤗🤗❤🐱🐱

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Feb 08, 2022



Cats like most pets enjoy the company and relationship with certain humans.

But all species have coroporal languages ​​and particular characters. Dog owners often ask this question. The dogs are very exuberant and make sure to monopolize your full attention.

My wife lived on a farmhouse. Pets had names and food pets did not. Gigi the cow, Bouboule the bull, Arnold the pig, Pinpin the rabbit, all answered to their names. Horses also weave bonds of affection. Gigi, Bouboule, Anold and Pinpin lived playing with children and cats. They died of old age.

Cats respond to their name by raising their head. It's little animals are programmed to sleep 20 hours a day. So they express their affection by sleeping on you. They are generally quiet and suspicious. When strangers come to the house, they hide. But if these foreigners often return, they approach. Cats do not live in packs like dogs. Groups of friends, friends of my friends, that's not their thing.

Earning their trust takes several months. They are also able to understand if you are 100% reliable. If on occasion you show threatening behavior towards him (scolding him, running after him to grab him), he will tolerate you to eat but you will not have affection.

We must understand the species before judging. But if it's too complicated, stick to the dogs.

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Aug 07, 2022

Of course, cats can love their masters, I don't understand why we question this all the time but we don't question if dogs or any other pets love their masters. 
Yes, your pet cat may scratch you on particular occasions or refuse to snuggle up with you but that is because they're either upset, scared, worried or well or simply lazy. It does not mean that they don't love you or don't appreciate you for taking care of them all the time. As a matter of fact, I think cats can easily be considered to be among the pets that are EXTREMELY loyal because they always find their way home to you. Eitherway, it's about time we stop questioning their love and loyalty for us. 
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Jan 20, 2023

Cats are independent animals and may not show affection in the same way as dogs or other domesticated animals. It is also important to note that the concept of "love" as it applies to humans may not be the same as the emotional experience of a cat.Cat forms attachment to their master, While many people think that cats are aloof, cat loves their master and they have a unique way to show their love.
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