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I consume cocaine for my breakfasts

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  • Joined Apr 22, 2021

  • Living in Ashburn, United States

  • Last active Sep 27, 2022

I would probably take them to the most rotten, underdeveloped, and possibly barren city of a third-world country so they're highly unimpressed and decide to leave. I mean I have enough on my plate to hear that aliens are taking over our world in the news every day. Besides, I've had enough of unexpected events in this life especially after living through a whole ass pandemic. And I think the wise option is that we leave them alone anyways because ehm ehm some countries have a knack for controlling everyone and everything. I'm sure aliens have no interest in being ruled by white human beings if that isn't already the intention that they're coming to us with. But yeah, I would definitely not take them on earth sight seeing.


The biggest difference between a trauma bond and true love is a trauma bond is toxic in all ways possible. I know it may sound like the plot of a highly complex romantic novel, but I can assure you that romantic is the last thing that it is. On the other hand, being in love (that isn't toxic) is rather freeing because you know that at the end of the day, no matter what happens, you have this person in your corner and they are there to stay. This knowledge and feeling make it so much easier and 'safer' to grow as a person and explore the world in front of you. However, if it were a trauma bond, you would constantly feel guilty for trying to leave the corner your partner is in, you would often think about how they would feel or think about you if you did what you wanted to it. All in all, a trauma bond is not at all liberating!



September 26, 2022

I think the best way to go about this is to do so gradually. If you decide between a motivational boost in the middle of the night that you're going to change your whole life and your eating habits, the next morning you decide that you're not going to eat any fast food for the entire month. If this is the scenario, the likelihood of you falling back into the same pattern is very high. Therefore, take it slow, and make one change after another in your routine. If you don't already, make it a rule in your life to eat at least one fruit every day after lunch or whenever it is possible for you. Then, decide that you'll eat fast food only twice per week so you're not going too hard on yourself, you still have room to satisfy your cravings, but you're also taking steps towards betterment.



September 26, 2022

I think the bro code that men have is much MUCH more stronger than the bonding between women. Now I'm not saying I haven't seen women go out of the way for their dear friends, but they are more likely to lack communication, than too open communication as compared to men. Men conventionally tend to solve problems right from the front, they would throw words of hate toward one another and then move on. They don't stay glued to it. Whereas women are more likely to keep their concerns and whatever it is that hurts them in their hearts so the friendship is slowly deteriorating. Besides, thanks to their indirect approach of dealing with problems, they may backbite etc. So, at the end of the day, I think the key factor of bonding between men is direct communication which women lack.



September 26, 2022

Thank God having extreme side effects from medicines isn't something that is common because once was pretty enough for me to develop PTSD. So I don't remember what I took this medicine for, but I suddenly had such a bad headache, I couldn't get out of bed and my mother was insistent that I stick to home remedies to get rid of it instead of taking medicines. Until then it was tolerable but then I started having mild hallucinations. I could see this man walking towards my bed every time I opened my eyes and no one else could see him. Soon after it got so bad that I couldn't even wash my face, I was too afraid because I kept thinking I would die, or my breathing would be disrupted. It was torturous. Thankfully, I talked to my doctor after the phase passed and he prescribed me a different medicine.



September 26, 2022

I think this is a very subjective question that one can't answer on the basis of the entire male or female species. I know for a fact that some women like being checked out at the gym, or anyone for that matter. But there are also women who would prefer working out in the vicinity of their own homes so no one looks at them. So, it widely differs. I think you can tell by the reaction that you receive from them and if you're wise, you know the best option is to quietly move away or make the next move. Similarly, some men might find it attractive if a girl looks over at them repeatedly whereas others would solely like to work out without any sort of distraction in their way. It is not unnatural of men to shy away from social contact or getting too much attention and that is okay.



September 26, 2022

I'm not usually a fan of romantic books, I prefer mystery and dark academia with romance or some friends to lovers trope on the side. However, I loved LOVED LOVED Archer's voice. I love how it wasn't just a cliche story about two teenagers falling in love, getting into a relationship, and then being driven away by a third man, I am forever over that! In this book, the protagonist is mute. He can hear what people around him say but due to an accident, he can not speak and due to this, he has cut himself off from the rest of society. No one really pays any attention to him until someone does... Plus, the growth and development of both the characters are absolutely apparent throughout the entire book and I am here for it. There is no saving one another, it is being there for them as they save themselves.



September 26, 2022

I am not a fitness junkie from afar. As a matter of fact, I tried to run away from working out as much as possible. Except that I didn't exactly realize when but I slipped into depression. Soon enough the most simplistic tasks turned into a chore for me. I did not want to leave my bed, I did not want to fold my washed laundry or even wash it for some days. And at that time, a friend of mine who was noticing my patterns suggested that I try working out and that it would help me. Initially, I didn't pay much heed to the advice but once I did, it turned into my muse. I absolutely loved working out. It was the only thing that made me feel exceptionally alive and robust. So if you're going through something like that as well, I would suggest that you work out as well or if that's not possible, go for a jog whenever is possible.



September 26, 2022

I probably let out all my secrets while sleep talking, I tend to do that a lot. I know the statement tends to imply something completely different but that most likely wouldn't be the case. My habit of sleep talking has taken a jab at me so many more times than I could imagine and I honestly dread someday I might have a proper conversation with someone while I'm asleep. You wouldn't even have to blackmail me to tell you something that you want to get out of me, you could just inject a really strong tranquilizer and let it do the rest.But though, I'm pretty curious to know what everyone else's scenario would be.



September 26, 2022

So my mother is a gynecologist and she works at a hospital in another city and her working hours are 8 30 to 4 pm. But since it's a 50-minute drive and keeping a fair margin for traffic etc as well, she leaves the house at 7 am. And then later in the day, she does her private practice in a nearby clinic from 7 pm to 9 or 10 pm at night. So, needless to say, her routine is pretty damn hectic. But since she's super conscious about her health, she goes straight to the gym from work and despite her exhaustion levels hitting the sky, she either jogs on the tracks or works out in the gym. And so when she finally comes home, she's jolly as hell because the exhaustion wears off through the gym, it helps her clear her mind a lot better than other relaxing activities.


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Apr 22, 2021

  • Living in Ashburn, United States

  • Last active Sep 27, 2022

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