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While there are a number of great assets on Lobstr, my favorite is Stronghold because of its connection with IBM to create a payment network. In doing so the Stellar network could actually be used in the real world as an everyday form of payment. For that reason SHx should be a big one.
Feb 12, 2022
My favorite token in lobstr is brave token it's make many rewards like when you buy 3 Millions brave monthly you take over one million brave token as a reward because you in VIP investor and there is many pairs of pool of many other token on stellar blockchain live xlm, aqua. And you can stake brave and earn daily and monthly reward.
My favorite lobster token is Lsp , but i trade not only once token , there are so many token aqua brave ansr xtar nfts nafuu nuna .. but i hope the price xlm support this token to make high value .. lobster is very easy to use it , and xlm have a minimum fee for every transaction
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