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  • Joined Mar 29, 2020

  • Last active Jun 06, 2022


May 18, 2022

Taxi drivers

Before Uber sold its self-driving car division in late 2020, there was a joke that Uber drivers were about to quit their jobs as Uber reinvested millions of dollars in fare revenue into its unmanned vehicle project. bottom. The

 Uber self-driving car is plagued by problems, but I'm still struggling to keep taxi drivers out of date in the next decade. If you run a taxi business, it would be ridiculous to pay someone to drive a car for you when you have a car that can drive yourself!

 Demand may leave the human-powered taxi market, but these will struggle to survive as automation lowers prices.

  • Tip


May 16, 2022


Recently I was driving my lovely car. I was taking a turn when a little boy on the right on the sidewalk (we were in the countryside) points his toy gun (toy gun! No, but we hear each other talking?!) at my car and shoots. I hear a click! on my bodywork and I stop my car on the roadside 30 meters away. I go up the sidewalk, pissed, to yell at the kid who must have been 5 years old, accompanied by a woman obviously not his mother. The kids!

I say “No, but it's not possible! Do you realize that you can damage car bodies like that? Or not? »

The sympathetic woman apologizes for her. I'm calming down already.

“I'm sorry, said the lady, I already explained to her, sorry! Can you hear Tim* (name protected for privacy)? I have already explained to you! »

I continue: “Not possible anyway! What's his mom's name? "It's Mrs. Martin** (name protected for obvious reasons of strict confidentiality..)".

I don't know Mrs. Martin.

"And what is their address, at the Martin family?" »

The lady scratches her head.

“Uh… uh…”

And the kid: “I live 2 blocks away from here, the 5th Street! 

  • Tip


May 16, 2022


It was to take revenge on the one I loved and she was my girlfriend at the same time. (She liked to make me suffer morally and psychologically. For several days she made me suffer this and pushed me away whatever I did to make love. There was no reason "who deserves it" .. I then understood that it gave her great pleasure to make me experience this.

One morning , when she left for work and I was still in bed , a colleague came knocking at the door . (this same colleague may make advances but I pushed her away. She went for something else and to be forgiven. I opened the door without making sure who it is.. Then I was still in bed. I didn't don't know and I can't explain my gesture until now. took hands without a word and entered the bedroom where we had sex. It was the first and the last.



May 16, 2022


If I don't like someone, I'll try to find out why. If that person doesn't deserve it, then I wouldn't have any sympathy. As a kid I got walked on too much without saying anything. Always nice, too good, too stupid. It made me think and today it's out of the question. If I don't like someone and they deserve it, at best I'll send them "shit". I wouldn't be particularly bad, as long as the person doesn't provoke me, it will mostly be as if they don't exist



May 16, 2022


In order to recover lost Instagram account when you forgot your email and no phone number, you can use this tool

Instagram account recovery app

This Instagram account recovery app is a website app designed and dedicated for all new users who want to recover Instagram account password without using any email or phone number.

With this Instagram account recovery app you can also search and find Instagram username and password which is recovered directly from Instagram database server

Don't worry about your identity when you search and find your Instagram password from Instagram database server because this Instagram account recovery app uses a VPN which will hide your IP address.

As a result, it will always be safe and anonymous to use Instagram account recovery app from any device

So, prove it for yourself to get your Instagram account back again



May 14, 2022


If you think you're doing it right, it shouldn't matter if you're exercising on a hard or soft surface ...


Lower leg pain, joints, and bones, or It can be caused by damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons, or other soft tissue. If you find your shoes uncomfortable, try changing them. Uncomfortable shoes can also cause pain in the lower limbs. Still, it is advisable to see an orthopedist.


What is value?



May 14, 2022


In visual arts, the value of a tone is the brightness or clarity perceived in the context of the image. Due to the law of simultaneous color contrast, the values ​​are relative to each other. A light tone neighborhood gives a dark value to a color that has a light value in the dark tone neighborhood. It is not possible to easily compare a

 value from one color to another. Recognize the clearest values ​​by opening your eyes slightly in front of the scene or observing through dark glass, the so-called "contrast glass".

 The concepts of value permeated by artistic practice are the strength of the color palette of the painting, the relative obviousness, the "relief, strength, strength of one part compared to other parts" of the painting, "relative". Represents the strength of the drawing tones or tones.


What is Science?



May 14, 2022


In its first sense, Science can be understood as "the sum of knowledge" and more specifically as a systematic enterprise of construction and organization of knowledge in the form of explanations and testable predictions. Following the technique at the level of its history, it develops in the West through works of a universal nature based on facts, an argument, and methods which vary according to whether they are from observation, experience, ' hypothesis, or logic of deduction, or induction, etc. When we divide science into different fields, or disciplines, we then speak of sciences in the plural, as in this opposition between hard sciences and human and social sciences or again this other, between formal sciences, natural sciences, and social sciences.



March 08, 2021


It usually takes at-least a month or two if you are eating right and having high intake of protein. Also, it depends on how many hours are you working out in a week. Make a workout plan for ever muscle for the week and a diet plan which must include protein, iron, fiber and calcium. 

Focus on Calisthenics and Cardio to get your strength results asap


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  • Joined Mar 29, 2020

  • Last active Jun 06, 2022

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