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  • Last active May 22, 2022


May 18, 2022

This varies a lot according to the production methods, because today all the pineapples sold in supermarkets have undergone a number of treatments to meet consumer demand. But as the consumer tends to buy those with a rather yellow color, believing that they are more ripe, the producers apply discoloration treatments to make the pineapples yellow and thus sell more of them. Then, pineapple is a product that travels very well, so it can easily cross oceans before ending up on your plate. And it supports very well ethylene (ripening hormone, produced naturally by fruits) like many exotic fruits. As a result, your pineapple is picked early and then sent to the major consumer countries by cargo ship, and it is the latter who will be responsible for ripening the pineapples according to market demand. But ultimately, a retail pineapple will only need a few days to mature, as it will have been artificially ripened.



May 18, 2022

I would say bodybuilding for the following reasons I do things by myself, I adapt my training to my weaknesses, my little "wounds", my program, my goals I don't like the way of doing certain exercises in crossfit (kipping or deadlifts or burpees validated in competition which are no reps for anyone who knows how to do a deadlift or a burpee) I don't like the incompetence of crossfit coaches who push people to do things they don't know how to do (2 days ago I saw a crossfit coach push a girl to do a heavy deadlift on her 2nd session, at 60 kg her back was arched and completely horizontal, that did not prevent her from trying 70 kg just after. And when I took the coach aside to tell him that the person obviously did not control not the deadlift, the coach answered me, yes I know but she has back problems so that's why her technique is not good… it's serious). I don't like the idea of ​​pushing athletes by social pressure to do more reps than they know how to do on very technical exercises that are not meant to be repeated by completely degrading the technique (go do 20 reps on a snatch lol). Because I pay 21 euros per month for bodybuilding and crossfit is at least 70 euros per month (not to mention that you need the latest crossfit gear). CrossFit can be fun for people who need motivation and energy but it's not my thing



May 17, 2022

I will give you three fictitious situations In the first, you are an exceptional chemist, one of the best alcohol experts in the world and have paid very expensive studies. But you are in the depths of Qatar (the sale and consumption of alcohol are prohibited there). In the second, you are a street sweeper, and of course there are thousands of streets to sweep. Finally, in the last, you are a doctor, but your studies cost less and took less time than those of the chemist. Tell me, who deserves the best pay? According to Adam Smith (the father of economics), it is the chemist, since he is the one who has spent the most time and money to be able to work. And many think so too. But this is one of the many things Smith got wrong (well, that's my neoclassical opinion). The reality is that it is mainly supply and demand that influence the expected remuneration. The chemist has an extremely rare skill. Very low offer. But the demand for alcohol is nil, so his services are worthless; The sweeper has a very common skill. Billions of people can do his work. But there are also plenty of streets to sweep. Supply and demand are high, so he will have an average salary; The doctor has a rare skill, and the demand for doctors is almost impossible to meet. The doctor will have a very high salary. This is how it works in real life. When you want a particular product, job, or service, you don't care what costs had to be deployed. All that matters is the scarcity of supply and the amount of demand it can satisfy. Like a footballer"..



May 17, 2022

"The oceans so deep? Not that much ! The oceans and the seas rest on the earth's crust which is divided into the oceanic part and the continental part. the continental part measures on average 30 km (can reach 70 km in places) before reaching the mantle (earth's crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, upper core and lower core). The oceanic part has an average depth of 6 km up to 11 km for the Mariana Trench. The radius of the earth, from sea level to the core is 6730 km! The depth of the oceans has an average of 6 km; the radius of the Earth 6730 km, there is room! Seas and oceans cover the Earth mainly on the surface. I invite you to look at this image on the volume of water and the total volume of the Earth, (you can find this image on Google) it's incredible! Take the volume of the Earth as a basketball, combine all the water in the seas and oceans to get the volume of a ping-pong ball! and all the fresh water from rivers, rivers, lakes and groundwater we have the volume of a marble! I know it's hard to believe! In addition, no more than half of this water is exploited, some groundwater is unusable. In this ball we include water vapor and the poles! You do not believe it and yet! I remind you that we are soon 8 billion to use this fresh water for industry, agriculture and our consumption! We'll have to close the taps!



May 17, 2022

How can you clean up your vegetable garden? It all depends on the pollution in question. How is gardening good for the environment? Gardening is not good for the environment It is even the opposite. That's a lot of energy for little output. It's like living in the countryside, it's much more polluting and it produces much more CO2 than living in the city. (requires traveling by car, often alone, maintenance of water networks, electricity, postal services, roads, heating a house requires more energy per person than a building, logistics of consumer goods, etc., etc…) Afterwards, if you are independent and have a real old-fashioned vegetable garden to harvest 100kg of potatoes and onions a year like grandpa and you only eat that with the eggs from your chicken coop, and suddenly you never go shopping or almost, so why not, certainly even. But me with my three peppers and my 5kg of cherry tomatoes per year using I don't know how many m3 of fleet, and killing my back, nah, it's not beneficial for the environment, but it's nice.



May 17, 2022

The explorer Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. He was determined to find a direct water route west from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead, he stumbled upon the Americas.We know now that Columbus was among the last explorers to reach the Americas, not the first. Five hundred years before Columbus, a daring band of Vikings led by Leif Eriksson set foot in North America and established a settlement.



May 17, 2022

What do you put as delicious as original on/in your barbecue? Filet mignon en papillote (a little olive oil, herbs, tomatoes, all on a bed of aubergines), fish en papillote. Before the embers go out, I roast peppers. Once cooled, I peel them and I serve them cut into strips that I season with a little olive oil and garlic cut into small pieces. Andouillettes (the real one, the only one…. with veal strawberries!), black pudding, chorizo Swordfish or albacore tuna steaks, mackerel and their friends, sardines Beef ribs, chipolatas, merguez sausages, lower ribs, pork ribs Bacon that I marinate in lemon with thyme In short, a lot of "classic" for me.Being a vegetarian, it won't be ribs, rump steak or salmon. On the other hand, marinate summer vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, etc.) in plenty of spices (curry, cumin, paprika, chilli, Provencal herbs, basil, etc.) and then cook them on the barbecue or the plancha is just a delight! And to push the vice further, depending on the vegetable and spice, add slices of mozzarella a little before the end of cooking… just writing it down makes me hungry. Accompanied by falafels, a dahl of coral lentils with coconut milk, a salad of green lentils, very fresh cereal bread, and it's the best...



May 17, 2022

Felling & Understanding the Market 1-Understand your audience. One of the most important first steps to understanding the market is knowing your customers. ... 2-What is a value proposition? A value proposition is a statement about how your product or service helps fulfill your customers' needs. ... 3-Using your value proposition.Market sharing works : Individual and institutional investors come together on stock exchanges to buy and sell shares in a public venue. Share prices are set by supply and demand as buyers and sellers place orders. Order flow and bid-ask spreads are often maintained by specialists or market makers to ensure an orderly and fair market.



May 16, 2022

Gainsbourg accumulated all the vices: can we still love him today? Gainsbourg and vices? I think he made provocation his business. Besides, it's quite amusing to see his character evaluated over time. He played on his image of declining Gainsbard to maintain himself in the 80s when he had already given his best... I also remember a word from him: "I returned my jacket when I realized that it was lined in mink." His songs ? There is a bit of everything, refrain, plagiarism, somewhat unfortunate copying, diversion, zero degree of provocation (Lemon incest) and…. some jewelry. I am not one of those who accompany him like the last accursed poet. There is, in my opinion, much more talent and as much tragedy in Brel. But songs like "Elisa", "I came to tell you", and almost all those from the Melody Nelson period have something timeless and touching about them. Yes, "I think we can still love him today, but we have to sort it out and above all not be too interested in the legend he has become part of..."



May 15, 2022

Pour ce qui concerne l'Algérie, la plus grande partie de son territoire ( 2 382 000 km2 ) est couverte par le désert ( soit 85 % mais la partie non désertique de l'Algérie est égale à la surface de l'Allemagne et est plus grande que l'Italie et le Royaume-Uni, soit 360 000 km2. D'alger à Biskra aux portes du désert, la surface de l'Algérie non désertique représente en longueur 1622 km et en largeur 316 km. Quelques pays plus étroits que l'Algérie : ItalieLongueur maximale 1 360 km. Au nord, la largeur maximale est d'environ 600 km, dans la péninsule ( la tige de la " botte ) elle varie entre 140 km et 240 km Japon Longueur : 1 389 km, largeur : varie de 50 à 240 km. Chili Longueur : 4 300 km du Pérou au Cap Horn, largeur moyenne : 180 km avec 440 km maximum à 90 km minimum.


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  • Joined May 15, 2022

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active May 22, 2022

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