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  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Sep 22, 2022


September 12, 2022

Every religion and ethnicity has different ways to ward off the evil eye, and honestly, you can't say which one of them is generalizably the most effective. But being a muslim, a practicing one, I believe that reciting verses from the Holy Book (Quran) provide protection against the evil eye to us. The Book itself mentions the existence of evil eye so having recognized its presence, what could possibly be better than the divine verses?Otherwise, in the hindu culture it is a custom to burn red chilli on the stove (or wherever) and take it around the place or the person who you think is affected by the evil eye. Then they will be safe by it (accoridng to their customs).


Unsuccesful is an umbrella term and one that is mistaken all too often. What you consider unsuccesful may be the definition of success for the other person and while that is completely okay, you can't objectively decide who is unsuccesful or what sort of people fall in such a category.In my perspective, fame or money has nothing to do with success, sure it helps you live fancy and everything but does it help you suffice the battle that is ongoing inside you. Does it make you feel succesful and happy? most probably not! So, true success is to become self aware and be emotionally intelligent. It does not mean you will never again experience a mishap in life, but it sure means you will know how to deal with one and that is what matters.



September 12, 2022

These days I am taking a suicide prevention training along with a course on Dot listening and that has taught me a lot about what you can do for the other person when they are suffering from something. More often than not, we feel the need to rescue another person, especially the empaths amongst us. If someone vents out to us or cries in front of us, we feel a sort of obligation to make them smile and forget that they were sad. But I am sorry to tell you that these things and this approach might not be effective, and I am saying that more to myself than anyone else. The only thing a person who is suffering need you to do is listen to them and help them explore the feelings that they are not knotted in. Yes you may feel the need to provide solutions, but believe me they have gone through everything.On that note, if you are writing to them, tell them that you will have the space to hear them out without any judgement, whenever need be. It will have a much better impact than anything else.



September 12, 2022

If you follow a more humanitarian school of thought, you would believe that all of us are brilliant in some way or another and in that context, it is true that not all of us can live up to our true potential and reach our optimum capacity. Although the reason for this is not have to be same, some of us do not get the opportunity to channelize our skills and make the most out of them. For example, people living in underdeveloped parts of the world have to worry more about putting food on the table than fulfilling their passion of becoming an artist. So, there's that. And in otther scenarios, the medium through which they can fulfill their dream is not available and they are forced to run in the rat race. But most of all I think the biggest resistance that people have is themselves, their own Minds telling them that their capability is limited and there is only so much they can do. If you two are having such thoughts, no that they are false!



September 12, 2022

For me, writing comes pretty easily, out of mundane things but for that, you have to learn to hold onto things. The last time I got into an argument about gender equality, I made a mental note of everything that was pissing me off and what counter arguments I had for it (even if I didn't say it outloud). So, as soon as I had access to my phone, I wrote it all down and then published an article under the tag of gender equality on my blog.Quite similar is the case with creative writing, I look at the sky and I can think of things to write about. Heck, a broken mirror on a bathroom wall can give me so many metaphors and what not. So, if you wish to be a good writer, be vigilant about things around you and mindful about things that need to be voiced.



September 12, 2022

Being a fun person isn't a chore because I'm sure you already are very fun and interesting to be around. The thing that may create a hindrance for us and convince us to think otherwise is that we do not socially engage ourselves and aren't open about our views and thoughts. Now I'm not asking you to throw out your opinion uselessly and impose it on other people but sharing stories or your experiences can fuel life into certain conversations.Secondly, you want to be a good listener. If you're all about yourself and you're not willing or able to listen to the other person, sooner or later they're going to feel deflated in your presence. Therefore, be engaging where need be and express what you feel like but also let the other person do that.



September 12, 2022

So me and my cousin have a huge knack for trying out new places aka restaurants but the dilemma is that we hate dressing up or getting out of the house, but thanks to uber, we don't have to leave the house anymore, the food is delivered instead. So this one time I remember, the entire family is over for a national festive holiday and even the both of us had had dinner, we were the only ones awake and we can't control our hunger. But at the same time we couldn't order food as well because it was 2:30 a.m and it would have been extremely unsafe, also we would probably get scolded if someone found out. So we came up with an effective solution using a rope, a laundry basket and the balcony. we tied one end of the rope to the balcony ceiling and the other we pushed all the way down to the gate so that delivery boy (who couldn't stop laughing) could put in the pizza. I was certain the rope was going to break but somehow it didn't and the plan worked!



September 12, 2022

Effective listening is not the same as listening or hearing and we tend to undermine it a lot. First and foremost, you want to capture the attention of the other person and let them know that you are present in the moment. And this is only possible if you actually are present, if you are simply not doing and you are not understanding or hearing anything that they are saying, sooner or later the are going to catch it. For this reason, be attentive in the moment and try to maintain eye contact with the speaker.Secondly there is this mechanism known as the dot listening which helps you figure out the type of listener that you are and the speaker another person is. According to that you will get to know whether you are a factual listener, an emotive listener for a critical listener and then you can work on the parts that you lack.



September 12, 2022

When I first started working as a content writer, I began working with this man in his academic organization. Initially, I didn't know it was illegal to do someone's academic work for them so that is what I did. For a couple of months it went on like that, although he delayed my payments frequently but I figured it would get better (I needed the money at that time anyways). Later on, the man who I was working with, this 'apparent' boss asked me to call him in the middle of the night because he had to share some information about work. I was pretty taken aback and awkward at first because why couldn't it wait till the morning? But I called him anyways and soon enough it became a regular thing, he would ask me to call him up at the most awkward hours and talk about the randomest things. idk what the deal was with this guy but I quit the job afterwards so.



September 12, 2022

I think the better option is to gradually let the habit go because then the chances of you rebounding, even more addicted to the toxic habit, are much lesser. If you completely stop, you're going to stop giving your body the gratification that it was earlier getting by the ciggarette. And so, likewise, the withdrawl symptoms that you experience will be stronger as well especially the headache and the fatigue. And believe me when I say, in such a state of mind, the only quick relief that one can think of is smoking. However, if you have gotten your body used to smoking lesser while after a while, the blow at the end when you quit wont be as bad as what it would have been in comparison. So, don't make decisions based off of your emotions, be rational instead and you will be succesful.


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  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Sep 22, 2022

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