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  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in London, United Kingdom

  • Last active Feb 13, 2022

If I didn't know any better I would take this question offensively but let me tell you, poetry isn't useless in the least. As a matter of fact, no subject is useless. To poetry enthusiasts and poets themselves, it is a means of expressing how they feel and beautifying it in the best of ways.It is quite possible that you're not good at a subject or do not enjoy studying it and so you think it is unimportant, but to someone else, those subjects may be an inspiration to do better and learn more. No subject is useless by nature.


Yes, without a single doubt, yes. The truth is always worth telling because it can not remain hidden no matter how deep you bury it. Yes, it can be difficult and painful but if you come up with a beautiful lie to keep yourself or the other person from hurting, you're only delaying and doubling the pain that comes after. Short-time happiness or comfort is never ever worth the long-term grief that hits you like a truck later on in life.I wouldn't falsely claim and say that I've always been truthful. I haven't, but if there is anything I have learned from those times it is that thetruth finds its way out.



February 13, 2022

I think as a doctor, the most daring and difficult thing to say to a patient is certainly informing them about a life-threatening disease living inside of them. Most of the time, the patients expect the earth-shaking news to be backed up by a piece of good news such as, 'but this treatment will work', 'I assure you, you're going to be okay'.However, this one time I had to break dreading news like that to my patient, and no matter how much I insisted that she was going to be okay, she refused to believe me. So, I had to put on my brave face and help her walk to the possibility of fatality and how it wouldn't be bad either. That's easily one of the most daring things I've said to a patient



February 13, 2022

Ah okay, this is going to be a difficult one to answer.The thing I regret the most in my life is not standing up for myself and not respecting myself when I should have the most. I gave myself up for the sake of acquiring love and affection which wasn't even written in my destiny to get in the first place. I would continuously reach out to people who had clearly expressed that they did not want to keep any sort of contact. Yet, I couldn't picture a life in which my best friend wasn't around but now when I think about it in retrospect, I regret ever putting myself down the most.



February 13, 2022

That's something I've observed myself as well, people who are wise tend to show negative expressions such as anger far less. They're instead better at channelizing their feelings and emotions in much better ways.I suppose this is because they understand the depth of emotions and can calculate the benefit or harm it would bring them. By nature, anger is an emotion that does more harm to your own self than the other person if blown out of proportion. So, they choose not to waste their energies.So, to sum it all up, intelligent people posses emotional intelligence.



February 13, 2022

There are a number of reasons which eventually led to the downfall of the mighty roman empire.Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire’s borders.Internal Conflicts i.e. overdependence on slave laborOn top of that, Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis. Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor.



February 13, 2022

Honestly, it depends from person to person. If you're someone who has been working out or keeping up consistently with your gym routine, it wouldn't take as much time for you to get your dream body as it would for someone who has barely ever worked out or given it a thought priorly.Having said that, an average man (who isn't overweight) would require about 15 to 21 months to get in the right shape. Whereas, for a woman, it could take up to about 26 months at most and 21 months at least.Nonetheless, this isn't applicable to everyone, if you are consistent in your efforts, you can get abs far quickly.



February 13, 2022

When I was working in a souvenir shop, there came a customer, in her late 50's. Initially, she seemed extremely interested in buying a gift for one of her cross-cultural friends so I assisted her around the shop as well as I could. After some roaming here and there, she finally chose an ancient wine glass to buy. However, as soon as I told her the price, which wasn't costly at all (especially from the pockets of someone who carried a Louis Vuitton purse). She didn't even try to bargain, instead, she began telling ME how low the quality of the glass was and that she wouldn't buy it even if it was being sold for 'half the price'.



February 13, 2022

Had I been asked this question 5 years back, there would have been a long list of things I regretted doing but now, over the years, I have learned that regret does not do good. If anything, it takes away the opportunity to learn from your experiences, be those bad or good.So, if I were to list things that I regret, it would be comprised of the things I did not do in my life when I had the chance. For example, being more expressive towards the people who needed to hear it, standing up for myself when I needed it the most and certainly, bungee jumping.



January 24, 2022

There are undoubtedly SO many things we indulge in but don't have the confidence of admitting to the public (and honestly, I'm not targeting anyone here, I am fully included in this list of such people).So, here goes nothing!I cry at almost every other romantic tragedy I watch but I've never had the confidence to admit it in front of my group of friends. I understand and know that crying is okay and is very human to all of us, but I would rather take roller skates to my ankles than confess to this. So much for being the emotionally strongest in my group of lads!Secondly, I don't think I'll ever be able to admit that I create cliche stories in my hand with the girl I am head over heels in love with (she doesn't know either). No one will ever know what love looks like inside my head and how much I would give up to get it.Lastly, and I think this is quite generalizable, all of us have at some point in our lives, seen someone get into an embarrassing incident but pretended to look away so they don't feel bad. After all, these are truly the moments in life that make me restore my faith in humanity.


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in London, United Kingdom

  • Last active Feb 13, 2022

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