16 followings
Poke420 from the YAY Area!!
Credentials & Highlights
Works at Western Digital
Studied at Oregon State University
Lives in US 1975-present
Joined Oct 04, 2022
Living in San Jose, United States
Last active Oct 23, 2022
I would think, the final straw in leaving any organized religion, would be common sense. Besides new age cults, all religion was thought up thousands of years ago. As society has moved through time, people have learned many things and have advanced our amounts of intelligence. The one category that never seems to advance or improve, is religion. Religion was created to answer questions that our immature human minds could not(like stars in the sky and such). But since we can answer these questions now, how come so many people still believe in these fairy tales? Its amazing how common sense is just not that common!
I truly think that the next BIG thing will be neural learning, kind of like Neo learning in The Matrix. It will work like this; Each person will have a small hearing aid type thing that one can wear and remove easily. I wear mine and learn Calculus. My girlfriend wears hers and learns BioChem. We then swap our hearing aid dealies and instantly learn what the other already has. When can we sign up??