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  • Joined Oct 08, 2021

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Feb 12, 2023


February 12, 2023


One thing that can be challenging is the constant pressure to maintain a certain demeanor, even in difficult situations. For example, not receiving apologies or compliments can be disappointing and make one feel undervalued. At the same time, it is often expected that men must remain accountable and suppress any anger or vulnerability they may be feeling. These societal expectations can be tough to navigate and often leave one feeling frustrated.

Additionally, constantly feeling sexually aroused can be distracting and overwhelming.

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May 16, 2022


The amplitude of a wave is the height of the wave, measured from the ocean surface to the peak of the wave. 10. Compare waves created by a cruise ship engine and an underwater earthquake, using the amplitude and wavelength. 

Here are some examples of amplitude: The amplitude of a water wave would be the distance between the top of a wave and the surface of the water at rest. The amplitude of a sound wave would be the density of air particles at the center of a compression or pulse of sound.

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May 16, 2022


When heated, molten rock crystallises and hardens, it forms igneous rocks (from the Latin word "fire"). The melt starts deep under the Earth, around active plate borders or hot regions, and then rises to the surface. Andesite, basalt, dacite, obsidian, pumice, rhyolite, scoria, and tuff are examples of these rocks. This page contains images and brief explanations of some popular igneous rock types. Dacite is a fine-grained, light-colored extrusive igneous rock with a fine grain size.



May 16, 2022


The Sahara Desert 🏜 is the world's largest hot desert and, after Antarctica and the Arctic, the world's third largest desert. It is located in North Africa and encompasses enormous areas of the continent, covering 9,200,000 square kilometres, similar to China or the United States! Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan, and Tunisia are all part of the Sahara. It covers 9 million square kilometres (3,500,000 square miles), or about 31% of Africa.🏜🌵



May 16, 2022


Ants are similarly dormant in cold weather, with many species hibernating during the winter. Resting ants lose muscular tone and become less sensitive to stimuli. They don't have a complicated enough neurological system to show the many brain wave patterns that people do while sleeping, and they don't dream. YES, THEY DO, but not in the way we think of sleep. In their 1983 study of insect sleep patterns, James and Cottell discovered that ants had a cyclical pattern of resting intervals that each nest as a group observes, with each resting period lasting roughly eight minutes in any 12-hour period.



May 16, 2022


It's easy to keep away spiders using natural products. These ("eight-legged") creatures hate the smell of citrus fruits such as lemons and 'oranges. They also don't like 'peppermint oils', 'tea tree oils', 'eucalyptus', and 'vinegar'. Using any of these around your home will keep spiders away. 🕷🕸🕷

Spider Repelling Herbs and Essential Oils include:

Above are the some product that spider hates the most.



May 16, 2022


Non-fungible token (NFT) is a term that refers to a token that is not It's typically created in the same way as cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum is, but that's where the similarities end. Physical money and cryptocurrencies are both "fungible," or interchangeable."The First 5000 Days," a digital picture collage that was "minted" as a "nonfungible token'(NFT)'" and sold for $69.3 million. it will be a one-of-a-kind item. After this NFT market booms and everyone start taking part init.



May 16, 2022


“Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime. When objects move, the curvature of spacetime changes and these changes move outwards (like ripples on a pond) as gravitational waves. A gravitational wave is a stretch and squash of space and so can be found by measuring the change in length between two objects.  From even the distance of the nearest star, gravitational waves would pass through us almost completely unnoticed. Although these ripples in spacetime carry more energy than any other cataclysmic event, the interactions are so weak that they barely affect us.



May 16, 2022


Well, it means that other devices connected to the same network can see what sites you're visiting on your iOS device and record that information. However, nobody can see what you're doing on those websites as long as they use the SSL protocol. 

If the network is blocking encrypted DNS traffic, they can see you visited Facebook but can't see the encrypted traffic itself. They don't have access to the data exchanged between your iPhone and Facebook.



February 03, 2022



We are social beings, and what most of us want is to feel loved and accepted as we are. Nobody really likes feeling rejected, and it's worse when you're in love.

How to avoid rejection then?

In terms of risk management, we can assess the danger according to their probability of occurrence, and their severity.

By wanting to make a declaration of love, without being sure of the feelings of the other, the risks of rejection could be:

Very risky :

to be rejected by my boss, happily married with 3 children, who is also a friend of my parents

The chances of her rejecting me are high and the danger of the declaration is great for me as well as for her.

Not risky:

to be rejected by a childhood friend, single whom I have known for 10 years, and with whom I spend most of my weekends because we have a common passion

Even if she does not share my love, her rejection will not be violent, in addition it is very likely that our feelings will be mutual.

Between the two, there is an ocean of more or less risky situations that will expect us to be brave.

We may have to deal with rejection, with ruptures, with disappointments, but in any case: the ecstasy of a love shared on a daily basis and the security of being understood and reassured during difficult times are worth the cost of the risk.



Assume your love internally

1- You have the right to love, and you have the right to be happy with your love, no matter what the other feels towards you.

2- Be proud to carry this love in your heart. Love is a noble feeling and too often we tend to take too much pride in being angry, and thinking that love is for the weak. It's wrong.

3- Having confidence in yourself, because you feel something beautiful, no matter what others think. Inwardly enjoy your emotions whenever it arises

Outwardly assume your love


No need to shout it from the rooftops, but if your love leads you to be kind and lovable, then what's the problem?


Do not be dependent on the love of the other, do not do things out of desperation to obtain their love in exchange. But you can let your love speak if it allows you to share good emotions together.


Have confidence in the capacity of the other to appreciate a sincere and not desperate mark of love. And if in the worst case, he doesn't appreciate the gesture, remember that you are doing it first and foremost to please yourself too. Don't spoil your own pleasure if the other refuses to share it.


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Oct 08, 2021

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Feb 12, 2023

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