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Joined Apr 27, 2021
Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Last active Mar 29, 2022
It is possible to break a car window underwater but there are certain things you need to be very cautious about. One of them being that once the window is broken, water will enter the car at a much faster rate than you might imagine. Therefore, be prepared to rescue whoever or whatever is in the car quickly.Having said that, to break a window glass you're going to need something that is heavy (heavy as in steel sort of heavy) and pointy enough to damage the window of the car. You can keep a repair tool in your car specifically for this purpose.
My mother, being a gynaecologist, advices her patients to hold their pee for at least a four hours before you give the test. That'll ensure reliable test results and not be exceptionally difficult for you either. This is because at that time, after holding on for about 3 to 4 hrs, the hcG levels will be the most concentrated (exactly how we want them to be!).However, if you can not hold your pee in for that long make sure that you drink several glasses of water or any other beverage that you like. If either of these cases aren't favourable, you can store your urine sample and conduct the pregnancy test by dipping it in.