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Faith in the future

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  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in Ashburn, United States

  • Last active Jan 16, 2022


January 16, 2022

I'm not sure if death and best can go together in a sentence. Yes, for some of us life might not be something that we wish to hang on to, but that does not make dying any less painful.Personally, I'm not very fond of slow painful deaths (as no one else reading this would be either). So, considering that we don't have a lot of choices, a quick death would be much better. My loved ones wouldn't have to suffer, it would save the medical bill as well and everyone can remember me as the person I was and not someone admitted in the hospital in the ICU on a ventilator.


Straight up, I don't think working Saturdays are a good idea at all. My last job had to work Saturdays and initially, I was extremely satisfied with them. I would jump at any excuse to get out of my house and get a breath of fresh air, and being paid for that breath of fresh air seemed even better.So, for three months straight I worked for each day of each week without any breaks in between. At the end of the third month, I felt as though I was going to collapse, my life had been reduced to nothing but work and sleep. I woke up every day feeling more miserable than the last and dragged myself out of bed. Getting a healthy paycheck didn't quite make me happy either. That was until I sat down and asked myself, what the heck was I really living for? If I couldn't enjoy the money I earned or live the lifestyle that I dreamt of, is it really worth the exhaustion my body is being put through? Not only this but I could tell that the productivity of my work was decreasing as well. I couldn't deliver the same value that I had been earlier.



January 16, 2022

This question is probably one of the most difficult ones out there, the sort of questions that can not have an objective response, it would depend on the person who is answering the question. I have a few friends who are strictly against following any sort of religion while others who are staunch followers of their respective religion. So, each of them would have different approaches to this.I, being a Muslim, would obviously defend my own religion. I am not a convert, I was born into a Muslim family and am familiar with it for as long as I can remember. However, that is not why I would defend it, as a teenager, when my faith was at its weakest, I studied religion and its depths. I wouldn't say I am an expert, but I can firmly say that everything it teaches us and prohibits for us is, at the end of the day, of our own good. Everything that Islam preaches is, or predicted ages before, is validated by science in the progressive period of time and this will continue to happen as time progresses even further.Personally, attempting to stay steadfast with my faith has given me immense strength and purpose in life. I feel as though the sense of contentment I was looking for, I have finally gained from my religion and I wouldn't give it up for anything else that the world has to offer me.



January 16, 2022

Ah, the better question would be, do I have any relation with fashion at all? I don't even know what fashion properly means, but whenever I think of the word, it reminds me of clothes, shoes, fancy bags, and all that sort of soft, none of which I am even remotely fond of.I remember going shopping with my mother as a little girl and I would wonder what it is that women find so appealing about buying new clothes. All the designs and patterns seemed the same to me and none of them were attractive enough either. So, needless to say, I never really cared what others around me were wearing or how they would be dressed up. As long as something covered up my body and was able to keep me warm or cold, depending on the weather, what more could I ask for? There are times when I am influenced by the way some people carry themselves but that is all it is. You would be surprised to know that I own only two pairs of shoes and I never felt the need for a third pair. I can somehow wear those shoes wherever I go and the only person who this action truly disturbs is my mother!Besides, brands cost a shit ton of money but are the clothes or shoes really worth that much? I personally think thrift stores are just as good, just without the brand tag.



January 16, 2022

Would it be dramatic if I said freedom means everything to me? Without freedom what could the purpose of life be anyways? Imagine living a life in which you're not allowed to do what you wish to do? you're supposed to oblige to every command that is given to you without any additions or changes made to it.I belong to a country that was ruled and colonized by the British before independence and I have heard countless stories of the sacrifices our forefathers made in order to gain this sense of autonomy and have a free country. An example of this could be that in ancient times (before independence), people of our now country weren't allowed to sit in the presence of any British personal. They weren't allowed to work in the government or work at any influential post. Basically, they had absolutely no rights. So, freedom truly is everything! It doesn't necessarily have to be freedom from the shackles of a tyrant ruler but at times also from one's own self. In order to truly be happy and content in our lives, we ought to gain freedom from continuous thoughts about the future and anything that is unattainable.If you are someone who hasn't experienced what it feels like to have your freedom taken away, believe me when I say, you're extremely lucky!



January 16, 2022

Patriotism in itself isn't a negative emotion at all. To some extent, all of us have patriotic feelings towards our countries and homelands. No matter what we do, we fail to erase it from our identity, so instead, we take pride in our roots.If I think about myself, belonging to a family full of soldiers, I have always had very patriotic feelings towards my country. I would attend every national parade that takes place on our day of independence and feel pride whenever my country is appreciated. However, the same does not apply to my younger cousins as well. A few of them don't have affectionate feelings towards our soil and that is okay. Their opinions are respected and accepted in the family. Up till this point, patriotism is as harmless as it gets, but if one can not tolerate negative remarks or even constructive criticism towards the subject of debate, patriotism can be problematic.Patriotism doesn't demand hatred or feelings of revenge towards others, it simply means to work for the betterment of your country and support it as much as you can. Some of us might mistake it for an emotion that emphasizes hurting others and attempting to harm them. Respect and acceptance are the very first and basic principles of unproblematic patriotism.



January 16, 2022

When I woke up this morning, I felt way worse than I had in the whole of the past month. One slight pinch could send me into a huge emotional breakdown along with an unending crying session. Currently, I'm buried deep inside academic commitments, presentations in the upcoming week, final semester projects, and whatnot. On top of that, I feel as though I have a mild fever meaning I might not have the same rate of productivity (which I desperately needed). So, now you probably get the idea of how I would've felt.Despite all of this, when I had prepared my mug of coffee and sat down to work with a skull-breaking headache, I came across a newly released song on youtube. I put it on just for the heck of it and that made the entire difference. I can not explain how quickly it evaporated the feeling of tension and stress from my body. I felt as though my body was floating with the beats and the lyrics were exactly what I needed.So, keeping this experience in mind, I believe this is exactly what music is for. It calms your soul and has a huge impact on the way your emotions are regulated. A song can say everything you haven't been able to put into words and at a moment of vulnerability, that is all you need.



January 16, 2022

I learned so much from my mother, it would be impossible to list all of that, but most of all, I learned bravery from her. It's ironic how she never verbally told me to be brave or gutsy, I picked it up from her actions. She's never been the sort of person to bend or break at the hands of frightening circumstances. She stands with courage no matter what happens, regardless of what it costs her.Being a female doctor, she has come across several situations in which she had to fight the higher authorities for the sake of a patient's life. It could have cost her the job she worked which also meant our financial stability but despite that, she did not back up. After all, nature put the odds in her favor then.I don't think everything we learn from our parents ought to be positive. Some things are simply examples not to follow and they're just as essential. In this regard, I learned how deadly anger can be from her and what impact it can have on someone's life. She has struggled with her anger issues for as long as I can remember (because of some internal conflicts) and it would frighten me to my core. I would always calm her down and talk her out of it (that is something I learned as well). But if there is anything I know, it is that I will never turn out to be an angry adult.



January 16, 2022

When I try to envision what I wish my life would look like, I can picture someone who is content with herself and understands the puzzles of life (as far as is possible). I am of the opinion that it is easy to get to the materialistic things in life. I'll have a well-established house one day, a house that is hopefully a home too, but after acquiring all of that what if I come to learn that I am still not content? There is something inside of me that wasn't craving for any of this.So to put it simply, I wish to be happy and content, that is my ultimate goal in life. I know some people might argue that you can't find happiness if you keep looking for it and I do agree. Happiness is nothing but a state of mind, a state that I have been unable to reach up till now. I don't know what happiness truly means and I don't know how it's supposed to feel either.Now to answer the question of what guides me, I suppose my lack of happiness and contentment does. I am so intrigued to feel a certain type of way because I haven't felt like that in ages (or maybe even forever).My entire childhood until today, I have always done everything that I possibly could to make my loved ones happy. I figured that true happiness relies on making someone else happy. However, they have formed an identity for me now, the identity of this person who does not want or need anything for herself and whenever she does, they have every right to be mad. So, I wish to escape this, find a new definition of happiness, and be myself.



January 16, 2022

Failure can undoubtedly be a difficult emotion to cope up with, it will have you feeling as hopeless as you’ve ever been for a while, but that is how it should only be, for a short moment. As a student, I’ve academically failed several times mostly because of mathematics (that is self explanatory) while other times because of reasons that were clearly beyond my control. Either way, none of that mattered to me, the only thing which stood out was that I had failed. So, to say the least, I learned how to deal with failure the hard way!You have to remember that your effort is not going in vain at all, even if you don’t immediately get the results. Nature has a way of rewarding you for every single moment that you spent hustling, maybe even in ways you haven’t imagined and they may be better for you. This realization is also what helped pick me up and put me back on track after I failed. So, no matter what happens, don’t stop giving your best.


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in Ashburn, United States

  • Last active Jan 16, 2022

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