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November 02, 2021

The countries that are located close to or along with the equator experience hot and warm temperatures throughout the year. This is because the sun's rays hit the equator directly and not the poles as they are far. Surviving in hot weather conditions isn't easy. There is always a shortage of necessities like light, food supplies, water, and gas making it tough to survive.There is a difference between the hottest place on Earth and the hottest country on Earth. The temperature of the hottest place is the temperature recorded of their hottest month (of summer) not average whereas, the temperature of the hottest country in the world is the average temperature recorded throughout the year.Having stated the difference between the hottest place and hottest country, here is the list of the top 10 hottest countries in the world;1 Burkina Faso avg. temp 28.29 °C2 Mali 28.25°C3 Kiribati 28.2°C4 Djibouti 28°C5 Tuvalu 28°C6 Senegal 27.85 °C7 Maldives 27.65 °C8 Mauritania 27.65 °C9 Palau 27.6 °C10 Benin 27.55 °CBURKINA FASOBurkina Faso is the hottest country in the world with an average temperature of 28.29 °C. It is a small country in West Africa. The land isn't attractive and may seem uninviting but it is one of the most fertile lands in West Africa. But, due to the climatic variation, it faces severe drought and flooding too. It is also the center of many cultures. The country shares its border with Mali, making it the second hottest country in the world.



November 02, 2021

Weather conditions and climate differ from country to country. No weather or climate conditions remain the same throughout the year or lifetime. Countries located towards the poles are the coldest in the entire world. People living on the other side of the world may experience winter and snow just for a few weeks of the winter season whereas people in the north experience winter throughout the year. They need to work extra hard to stay up warm and cosy for the severe and harsh winters. They require enough storage of gas, food supplies, heat etc. to survive the winter.List of top 10 coldest countries in the world:Antarctica Russia Canada Kazakhstan AmericaGreenlandIcelandMongoliaFinlandEstoniaANTARCTICAThe first thing that strikes our mind when we first hear of Antarctica is penguins playing and sliding on gigantic chunks of ice. Antarctica is covered with ice and snow throughout. The snow never used to melt until 1-2 decades back due to global warming. The temperature here falls to -89 degrees Centigrade that is unfavourable for a human to survive there for long. The continent is home to several animals penguins, whales, seals, krill, albatross, fur seal, Antarctica skua, blue-eyed shag just to name a few.The only way for stopping the melting of glaciers and ice is by minimizing global warming. But, scientists aren't quite sure as to when the climate would change and how much ice would have melted by then.



November 02, 2021

A person needs to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. But nowadays, it is impossible to breathe clear and pure quality air.What is air pollution?Air pollution occurs when solid, liquid and gas particles come into the air and join together. These particles are emitted by vehicles, factories, fires, dust etc.Is air pollution harmful?Breathing in poor quality of air is harmful to the body and may result in breathing problems, heart and lung diseases. That's why it is highly important for us to control the air pollution not just for us but also for our future upcoming generations and not to forget animals and plants too.Countries with poor air quality:INDIAIndia being one of the densely populated countries in the world stands high in air pollution. Often Delhi, the capital of India is the target for poor air quality. It reaches the red zone every year.CHINAChina being the most populated country in the world ranks second in terms of air pollution. The country has recorded 1.42 premature deaths due to air pollution in 2019.BANGLADESHBangladesh ranks third in poor air quality. As of early 2021, the country showed a spike of 10% in air pollution with five times more pollutant particles as compared to the year before.



November 02, 2021

People who value nature and understand its importance are the ones who are trying to conserve the animal kingdom as much as they can. These countries care for the Earth, its people and nature. They regard animals and plants as the same and do not neglect them. They strongly believe that we humans do not own Earth, it is not just for humans but also for other creatures as well.Unfortunately, out of 152 countries in the world, there is just a handful of them who are trying their best to fight for the justice of animals by protecting them by all means. To our surprise, these countries are not developed or rich countries but rather those countries which are relatively poor and underdeveloped and rely mostly on animal tourism and travel.Interestingly, the top three nations known for wildlife reserves belong to Africa. The topmost known country for animal conservation is Botswana in South Africa. The second known country for animal reserves is Namibia followed by Tanzania again in Africa.Botswana has over 25% of its land reserved for parks and other reserves. They are striving hard to increase the land area for the wildlife. They restrict the number of visitors to safeguard the animals from poachers.Namibia being the second on the list is way strict than Botswana as they were the first country to have passed a legal law for the protection of animals and over the years the results are seen with the increase in the population of cheetah, lions, zebras, black rhinos etc.Tanzania being the largest country in the regions is the habitat for more than 1/5th of the mammals. The country has strict laws and the officials strictly monitor the entry and exit points of the conservational park. The officials and civilians residing nearby are given support to manage natural resources and to prevent animal-human conflict.



November 02, 2021

A little hair fall is normal for a healthy individual. Experts say hair fall of around 200 strands per day is normal. But if you seem to have more hair fall it should be taken into concern. Keep monitoring it for a week, if the situation is the same things might be alarming hence, a visit to the doctor would be ideal in this situation.Before visiting the doctor you can try the following methods to avoid hair fall. You may try using medical shampoos for strengthening your hair or anti-hair fall shampoos. Remember, hair fall is more when hair is brushed right after a shower when your hair is wet.Applying hair oil and moisturizers strengthens the root of the hair. Especially coconut oil, as it can absorb within the root of the hair.You might experience hair fall due to excessive use of hair care products, hair styling, hair colouring, hair streaking etc. as they contain an immense amount of chemicals.



November 02, 2021

A Head louse is a six-legged insect primarily surviving on human blood. They are found in people of all age groups and gender, especially kids and girls with long hair.Head lice have three stages in their lifecycle;eggs or nitsnymphsadult head liceEggs or nits are oval-shaped that stick to the hair shaft. Nits are visible throughout the head. They are mainly found behind the ears and on the back of the neck. Nymphs hatch from the eggs and look similar to the adult head lice but comparatively smaller than the adult lice. They undergo many stages and developmental changes before reaching the final adult stage. The adult lice are around the size of a sesame seed and about 2-3 millilitres in length.They are usually greyish tan or white or black. Lice tend to change their colour according to the host's hair colour. In short, these tiny 2-3 millilitres insects are capable of disguising and camouflaging. As a result of which they appear black in black hair, brown in brown hair and white in white hair.



November 02, 2021

Lice are wingless insects that survive only on the scalp of a human head. They are unable to walk on flat surfaces hence can only crawl. Lice cannot jump nor fly.These tiny insects are way too hard to get rid of from the head as they multiply rapidly. Their mode of transmission is also quick though they cannot walk, jump and fly.Lice survive on human blood and love darkness. Thus, their favourite spot and only habitat is the human scalp. They are afraid of water and cannot live for long when the head is in water.They spread from one person to another by sharing the same hairbrush, hair comb, towel and head coverings like a hat, cap and scarves. They also transmit to others by close personal contact, like sharing the same pillow or laying down close to each other.It is a common myth that they spread and transmit only to those heads which are unclean, like poor people. But the truth is they transmit to people of all classes, races, gender and ages. The presence of lice is annoying and embarrassing too, especially in public when your head itches too hard.The use of anti-lice shampoos, oils and lice comb has proven effective for eradicating lice from the head.



November 02, 2021

Air quality affects our health and life. Air quality worsens due to the pollution created by humans. Poor quality of air leads to heart and lung diseases. Unfortunately, thousands of people die each year due to poor air quality throughout the world. The top 3 countries having good air quality for the people are; Australia, Puerto Rico and New CaledoniaAUSTRALIAThe cleanest city in Australia as of date is Tasmania. It is so clean; that the region bottles up the air and water and sells it to other regions where the air quality is unhealthy. But, due to the sudden climatic change throughout the world, the cleanest air of Tasmania is losing its charm because of the strong winds blowing from Sydney or Melbourne.Puerto RicoPuerto Rico is a Caribbean island located in the northeast Caribbean Sea, southeast of Miami, Florida. According to W.H.O. Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the best and safe air quality.New CaledoniaNew Caledonia is in the southwest Pacific Ocean, east of Australia and south of Vanuatu. The air quality is good with an air quality index of 13 US AQI that is very healthy.AQI values below 100 are healthy and safe.AQI values above 100 are unhealthy.



November 02, 2021

Sleep is necessary for mental peace and to remain physically fit. It is as important to us as food and water. Sleep deprivation is also known as insomnia. It is not a disorder but rather is a phase or a stage of life wherein the person gets a night of very little or inadequate sleep. Insomnia can be due to several reasons such as stress, medical illness, pain, depression etc. Getting a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is required for a person.Signs of insomnia:yawningfeeling sleepyirritabilitydaytime fatigueEffects of insomnia:Chronic insomnia show strong effects on;Central nervous system: The body is controlled by the Central Nervous system. Sleep deprivation causes a lack of concentration and difficulty in learning, grasping and understanding concepts. It also causes pressure on the brain. You may feel too distracted and angry most of the time leading to mood swings. In the long run, it can cause hallucinations.Immune system: When a person sleeps, the immune system and immunity get stronger. If a person is less immune, the chances of him/her falling ill are way higher and riskier as compared to healthy individuals.Respiratory system: Breathing illnesses and problems especially at night cause disturbance in sleep resulting in sleep deprivation.Digestive system: Sleep affects two hormones namely leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is related to food and informs our body when we are full. Ghrelin is an appetite stimulant. But, due to lack of sleep, leptin hormone reduces and ghrelin increases making the body always think of eating that eventually cause obesity.Cardiovascular system: Insomnia leads to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.



October 28, 2021

Stress is a part of human life and no can deny it. It can actually motivate you by getting your work done on time if you are a procrastinator. Since it is a part of our lives right from the time we've been matured enough to understand matters, it is necessary for us to manage and pass through the tough times rather than giving up.Here are a list of few stress management techniques which can be helpful for any individual;Accept what has happened has happened. No one can change the past. So let go of it. Think and plan for tomorrow so that you don't stress about it.Do not procrastinate things. Do not wait for deadlines. The work which you can do today should be done today. Do not delay.Take some time out from your busy schedule for yourself and your family. Make sure to throw the phone aside. Relax. Laugh. Eat. Tease. Enjoy.Do not get your work to home.Sleep early to wake up fresh and early.Most importantly. Always SMILE. Try not to frown, open your eyes wide and smile for 10 seconds when you are freaked out. Trust me that does wonders!


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  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Nov 03, 2021

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