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Animal Lover

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  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Nov 08, 2021


November 08, 2021

Animal: CamelWeight: 300-1000kgHeight: around 7 ft.Life span: 40-50 yearsHabitat: wild camels are found only in deserts. Domesticated camels are found almost everywhere in the world.A camel can be easily seen in the deserts. They are either one hump or two-humped and come in brown and rarely black. They are a huge means of transport for passengers and cargo. They are domesticated animals and beneficial to humans as they consume their milk and meat.They store fat in their humps which come into their use when travelling in the desert for over 100+ miles without any intake of food and water. The stored fat, which weighs around 80 lbs., is broken down to energy and water when sustenance is unavailable. No other animal or species in the world can live without food and water for so many days, unlike Camel. Since the desert is dry and always scarce of food and water, the only mode of transport for long journeys seem to be a camel. Hence, the name ship of the desert.


We all know sleep loss can change your mood swings in no time. It can change you from a happy-go person to a grumpy person. Apart from this, sleep deprivation disturbs your health, memory, lifestyle and even weight loss.Here are a few serious problems that can arise from sleep loss1. AccidentsStudies and facts have stated that sleep loss or poor quality sleep are the main reasons for accidents on roads and in working stations.Drivers riding on highways are more prone to accidents due to the long-distance journey.2. NumbnessSleep loss weighs in for memory problems, unable to think, learn, read, and understand things. It makes your mind numb by slowly reacting to things.3. Health disordersPeople suffering from sleep deprivation are prone to;heart diseaseheart failureheart attackirregular heartbeathigh B.P.diabetesstroke4. DepressionLack of sleep makes a person go into depression. Insomnia and depression are connected. If either of the one disorder gets normal, the other disorder comes back to normal too.5. Weight gainLoss of sleep is equal to an increase in appetite and obesity. The hormone ghrelin signals appetite. It increases considerably in people suffering from sleep loss.



November 08, 2021

Our spinal cord is made of bones stacked to one another from top to bottom. These bones are protected cushioned by discs which provide cushioning and protect the spinal bones from the daily shock of walking, running and jumping.These cushioned discs are made of two parts the Outer Tough part and an Inner Soft gelatinous part. When a person undergoes an injury, the Inner layer ruptures and protrudes towards the outer layer, this is called a slipped disc. Often, a slipped disc is painful and uncomfortable. If severe, surgery might be needed. People believe slipped disc only occurs towards the lower back but, it can happen even towards the neck.Symptomspain and numbness on one side of the bodyunable to walk short distancespain in standing straight or sittingsince the spinal nerves are connected, pain may extend to the arms and legsweaknesstingling, aching, burning sensation on the affected area.Causes of slipped discThe slipped disc occurs due to the weakening of the outer hard layer of the disc causing the inner ring/ layer to slip out.It usually occurs in aged people as the disc starts to wear off due to age. Also, heavy body lifters or people whose profession is of handling heavy things are more prone to having a slipped disc.



November 08, 2021

Makeup is used by the majority of women throughout the world. A few may apply occasionally, while the rest may apply daily, even at home. The basic makeup includes eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick and foundation.Using makeup of good quality is extremely important to maintain skin tone and prevent ageing. Daily use of makeup results in acne, clogged pores, ageing, oiliness, and dryness.Are you a person who loves makeup? If the answer to the question is a 'YES' then, you should get ready to face the side effects. But, the good news is if you are using the right products in the right manner and technique, you may not end up having severe side effects.Here are a few tips to prevent side effects of makeup;Number 1 is to use the best-known quality of products. Make sure you check the expiry date before purchasing and before applying it to your skin. Use makeup that matches your skin texture.Number 2 is being a pro in cleansing and wiping the makeup. Women often get lazy in wiping off their makeup before going to bed. It is necessary to first, use a makeup remover and then wash the face with a facial cleanser.Number 3 is to clean your makeup brushes thoroughly at least once a month to get rid of the bacteria.Number 4 is to apply sunscreen and moisturizer each time before applying makeup. It will help in preventing dryness due to makeup and also prevent skin from ageing.The last tip to prevent the side effects of makeup is not sharing any makeup products as this can cause the spread of bacteria causing acne.



November 08, 2021

We all have read and heard about just one kind of resting phase - SLEEP. But did you know there are kinds of sleep patterns? Yes, you may find different sleep patterns rather, sleep disruptions in people. One among them is microsleep.What is microsleep?Dozing or nodding off for a few seconds un-intentionally is called microsleep. Episodes of microsleep can be dangerous as it occurs anywhere at any point in time. For example, it can happen while studying, working, reading, driving, using machinery etc.Reasons for microsleepinsomniaobstructive sleep apneanarcolepsySymptomsunable to think of the last one-two minuteseyes always closingunable to think and concentratea blank starenodding offsudden body jerksslow blinking of eyesunable to keep eyes openyawningconstantly blinking to stay awake.Microsleep may occur at any point of the day. But, is frequently seen when the person is sleep deprived especially, at night or early mornings.Causes of microsleepThe main reason for microsleep is insomnia and sleep deprivation. Apart from these, it may also occur due to;Obstructive sleep apnea: is a disorder wherein the air pathway closes or narrows down causing little or no oxygen supply. The person may feel discomfort accounting for lack of sleep during the night.Narcolepsy: person undergoes episodes of extreme drowsiness during the daytime.Periodic limb movement disorderCircadian pattern disordersTreatment of microsleepfix your sleeping patternif you are among those who cannot fall asleep quickly, then at least lay on the bed with lights off and no phone, one hour before your estimated sleeping timeavoid caffeine at nightWhile drivingMake sure you don't drive when you are experiencing symptoms of microsleep. It can be fatal for you and the people and drivers around you. Pull up. Rest for a bit then, start your journey again. BE A RESPONSIBLE DRIVER. Listen to music or keep interacting to stay awakeWhile at workDo not use any tools or machinery when you are experiencing symptoms of microsleep. Engage yourself with your colleagues or walk around for a minute or two to fresh up.



November 08, 2021

Our body is not used to having any foreign particles. Hence on entry of foreign particles, our body fights back immediately in different ways one can imagine. One such way to throw out foreign particles from our noses is by sneezing.Sneezing may or may not occur by a warning. It is a common thing and may not be something serious.Why do we sneeze?The nose is not just responsible for breathing, but also for filtering and capturing the dust particles and allowing pure air to enter the lungs. At times, the dust and bacteria irritate the mucous membrane of your throat and nose causing you to sneeze.Causes of sneezingThe most common reasons for sneezing are;Allergies: It is a common way for your body to communicate to you saying there has been an entry of foreign particles into the body. At times, these foreign bodies aren't quite dangerous but, the body regards them as danger. Hence, causing a reaction/ allergy towards it.Nasal irritants Infections: common cold and flu may cause infection that result in sneezingThe less common reasons for sneezing are;nose damagewithdrawal of certain drugsinhaling dust and pepperbreathing in cold airTreatmentStay away from things/irritants that can irritate your nose and throat.Improve the air passage in the house by changing and cleaning the filters frequently.If you have a pet that sheds, make sure you cut off their hair or remove them from home.Dust your bed, dresser, shelves etc., often to get rid of irritant particles.If you are sneezing due to an allergy, speak to your doctor and start taking precautions.The doctor might recommend anti-allergy or antihistamines for you. The most common are loratadine and cetirizine.If you have severe allergies, your doctor might recommend you to take allergy shots.



November 08, 2021

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common sleeping disorder. In normal individuals, the air flows smoothly from nose to mouth to lungs at all times, including nights. For some individuals, the air is, completely stopped. This episode is called apnea. Apnea is seen at night when a person is asleep. Hence the name sleep apnea. Why does it happen? OSA occurs when the muscles that support your throats, such as the tongue and soft palate, narrow down or even close for a snap of a moment by cutting down the oxygen supply to your brain and causing your breathing to stop momentarily. It can occur to anyone but is most common in older men. Effects of OSA Hypertension diabetes stroke heart diseases pulmonary hypertension abnormal heart rhythm Symptoms due to lack of sleep, the person undergoes daytime sleepiness morning headaches loud snoring gasping choking snorting difficulty in breathing mood swings-always angry and grumpy forgetfulness drowsiness waking up often at nights Causes A lot of diseases result in OSA like ; Obesity Endocrine illnesses such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, kidney failure and acromegaly Lung diseases such as asthma, COPD and pulmonary fibrosis Stroke Pregnancy Risk factors They often occur when your physical features are big resulting in the air passage to narrow. obesity large tonsils men and women with collar sizes 17 and 16 respectively a large tongue may block the air passage indifferent size of your upper and lower jaw smoking Treatment Following are a few ways to reduce the risk of OSA Weight loss: it may increase the breathing passage and also improve the quality of life and daytime sleepiness. CPAP-Continuous positive airway pressure: is the most effective treatment seen for OSA patients. The person wears a face mask at night that gently delivers air to enter into the lungs and keep the airways open. BPAP- Bilevel positive airway pressure: is another method to monitor the air pressure. The machine used is called a BiPAP machine. The apparatus delivers air pressure in two ways- inhaling and exhaling. Sleeping on your side: Doctors suggest sleeping on the side improve the air passage rather than sleeping on your back or stomach. Surgery: If the case is severe and not showing any positive signs through the above-said methods, surgery is the final option if the doctor suggests.



November 07, 2021

Louse (plural: lice) is a wingless insect that survives on the human head by sucking blood. They usually spend most of their lives on one host. The average life span of a louse is 30 days. Their replication rate is high and quick. A person infected with lice feels irritation and bites on the scalp. Lice love to live in dark environments. At times, due to constant itching, the scalp may turn sensitive and red.StructureThe size of a head louse is 1-2mm. Female head lice are bigger than male head lice.Their abdomen is long, flat and segmented with 3 pairs of clawed legs. They are grey to black. The head, abdomen and thorax can easily be distinguished. The abdomen has 7 different prominent segments and the thorax are segmented too. Their tiny 3 pairs of claws help them to crawl along with the hair and the scalp. They are unable to crawl elsewhere.



October 22, 2021

Unfortunately, we take oral hygiene very light. We do not bother much as to how our teeth are looking or what's happening to them. We do not pay any heed to them hence many of us have teeth decay from a young age , per se, late 20's.Preventing teeth damage is pretty easy if done consistently in the right manner. First of all, we need to brush our teeth with a good toothpaste in the right manner twice a day. Dentist say brush your teeth after breakfast and before going to bed. If you forget to brush your teeth at night, you may brush before breakfast the following day.Apart from brushing your teeth, make sure you floss them regularly. You can find ample amount of vidoes on YouTube on how to use a floss. If your teeth are towards decay or damage, make sure you floss them after every meal until you visit your doctor.



October 22, 2021

OCD is a short acronym of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is a mental illness that causes unwanted thoughts to come to the mind along with repeated acts of of same things.It is not necessary for the thoughts to be always negative.OCD people have thoughts and actions that;lasts for more than an hour a daythey are unable to control or resistaren't enjoyable or funeffects personal, work and social life.OCD can be broadly divided into 4 types:Checking: always repeatedly checking if things are in the right place, turned on or off.Contamination: always fearing things are dirty and messy. Mental contamination may make a person negative from heart and brain, making them believe everyone is against them.Symmetry and lining: things need to be set in a perfect line and orderDisturbing thoughts: these thoughts can be the reason for anxiety and depression.CauseThe actual cause is yet to be known. Depression may increase the symptoms. It is more common in women rather than men and symptoms are often seen in young adults.TreatmentPsychotherapy, medication, relaxation is the best treatment an OCD person can get.


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  • Joined Apr 26, 2021

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Nov 08, 2021

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