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Joined Oct 08, 2021
Living in Karachi, Pakistan
Last active Mar 18, 2022
Let's go about this in accordance to the Fahrenheit scale. The boiling point of water, in that case, is 212 degrees Fahrenheit whereas the freezing point is 32 degrees Fahrenheit.Although the scale of Fahrenheit isn't all that commonly used to determine standard points in science. We know that the freezing point is 0 degrees Celcius and the boiling point is 100 degrees Celcius. Water above or below the given temperatures will either be frozen to the point of hard solidification or boiled to the point of having the capability to give 4th degree burns.
Spring is the right season for strawberries and that is when they're best planted as well. The weather condition, soil, and temperature they need to be planted is perfect in the spring. For countries that do not have spring, it is almost impossible to plant strawberries and have them turn out as you would expect.If you're planning to plant them, make sure they're in the early last frost days to the start of spring. Also, pay heed to the fact that your strawberry planting spot receives plenty of sunshine once the sun has risen.