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  • Joined Dec 17, 2021

  • Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Last active Feb 22, 2023


February 22, 2023


I used to work in an office building that was rumored to be haunted. Some of my coworkers had reported strange noises and unexplained events, but I had never experienced anything myself. One day, I was working late and the building was almost empty. I was sitting at my desk, typing away, when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I assumed it was just one of my coworkers, so I didn't think much of it.

The footsteps got louder and closer, and I waited for someone to appear in the doorway. But nobody did. The footsteps stopped right outside my door, and then I heard a voice whisper my name. It was a woman's voice, and it sounded like it was coming from right behind me.

I turned around, but there was nobody there. I got up and checked the hallway, but it was empty. I was pretty freaked out at this point, but I tried to convince myself that it was just my imagination. However, when I went back to my desk, I saw that one of the drawers was open. I knew I hadn't opened it, so I started to feel like maybe there was something to the rumors of the building being haunted.

I finished up my work as quickly as possible and left the building. I never worked late again after that, and I always made sure to leave before the sun went down. I still don't know what caused the footsteps and the voice, but it was definitely one of the creepiest experiences of my life.

  • Tip


As a teacher, I had a student who was only 5 years old. They told me that their parents were in the business of making mulch and wanted to bring it in to show me. The following day, the student walked into the class with a bag, but it wasn't filled with mulch as he had said, but with marijuana instead. This situation was not scary, but it was concerning and unexpected.

  • Tip



May 13, 2022


Currently, there are two terrifying deserts where the person can die within minutes:


Death Valley is an extremely hot place. This impressive desert is the hottest place on the planet: the temperature record reached 56.7ºC. Even the strongest person in the world would wear out quickly under these conditions. A human being could only survive there without water for 14 hours.


Boiling sulfuric acid and gases, searing heat and molten lava, this is not the description of hell, but of the Danakil desert in Eritrea. Active volcanoes are everywhere, the thermometer reaches 50 degrees, while from the depths of the Earth emerge toxic gases. It's a terrifying place, but its unearthly beauty attracts many travelers. If you decide to go see Danakil with your own eyes, consider having an experienced guide accompany you.

In the past, there was a place in the Sahara, somewhere in the south of Morocco, which was the most dangerous in the history of the earth:

In the collective imagination, the Land of Dinosaurs is a rather hostile world. To add to the myth, today, researchers describe a region populated mainly by giant carnivores. A place they do not hesitate to describe as the most dangerous in the history of the Earth.




May 13, 2022


I am a tourist guide, whose two specialties are gardens and the Battles of the Somme. I love to garden, even in the rain. A garden is very personal. If you have land, even a small one, drive in a spade, turn the soil. You have started. You also start using the muscles, repeat several times until he has a ground square. Wait a week or two. Those that grow are, in general, weeds. Take them off. Now you have clean ground. Sowing seeds of something simple, such as marigolds. Gardening is the rhythm of life. All the true garden lovers I meet are people who are happy with their lives.



May 13, 2022


Hello 😇

The form of the tonsils, like other morphological traits, is determined by a number of genes. My mother had pronounced tonsil asymmetry, with a particularly large left tonsil, which I "inherited." At the age of 40, I requested a tonsillectomy from a colleague due to repeated occurrences of tonsillitis (syn. of tonsillectomy). He felt I had a tonsil tumour when he checked me. I told him that my left amygdala had always been huge. Furthermore, the growth of the tonsils is influenced by viral events, especially angina, which we had as children. The amygdala is a lymphoid structure that resembles a lymph node in appearance. It's not unexpected that she expands after any sickness :(.

 Nothing surprising that she hypertrophy after any infection that stimulates the immune system and therefore the lymphocytes. That being said, a tonsillectomy in adulthood is exposing oneself to terribly painful post-operative consequences ,i sufer this 😞.



May 13, 2022


How to Keep Strawberries Fresh :)

Follow the following steps to keep strawberries fresh for long period of time.

Strawberry should only be washed when ready to eat.😝

They should be kept entire....

Paper towels are used to line a plastic or glass container.

Within the container, arrange the strawberries in a single layer.

Refrigerate the sealed container.

Thank You :)😇😇




May 13, 2022


 Katrin Davidsdottir has been the Fittest Woman on Earth for the past two years.

Bodybuilding has influenced Crossfit. I'll outline the drawbacks of indoor bodybuilding so you can see why crossfit is getting increasingly popular:

Cardio is not a factor in indoor bodybuilding.

Muscle endurance is more essential than sheer strength, yet few practitioners train on it.

The bulk of practitioners do the same workouts again and over.

Crossfit eliminates these problems by improving cardiovascular health, providing a varied spectrum of activities, and emphasising endurance over strength.

Although some crossfit motins (such as pull-ups) are poorly executed, this activity nonetheless has significant benefits.



May 13, 2022


Crossfit is a derivative of bodybuilding. I will give you the weak points of indoor bodybuilding and you will understand why crossfit is becoming more and more popular:

Indoor bodybuilding does not work on cardio

Few practitioners work on muscular endurance which is more important than raw strength

Most practitioners do the same exercises over and over

Crossfit does not have these weak points, it helps to strengthen cardiovascular condition, has a wide variety of exercises, works on endurance in addition to strength.

Admittedly, some exercises in crossfit are poorly executed (such as pull-ups), nevertheless this sport still has real benefits. Mat Fraser's Three Secrets to Being the Greatest CrossFit Athlete of All Time At the 2018 CrossFit Games, Mat Fraser proved he was the Fittest Man on Earth for the third year in a row.



May 13, 2022


According to a friend, the best gym chain is Fitness Park. (Good quality machines; Les Mills course)

According to me and this same friend, the worst chain of sports halls is Orange Bleue (machine certainly from the Matrix brand but whose models are entry level with few adjustments, a smaller structure; co course of only 30 minutes; no Les Mills class)

As for me, I prefer no chain. For years, I have been going to independent gyms where the boss is a passionate person who invests in quality equipment, who diversifies his equipment (whether it is large or small equipment such as rubber bands, an ab roller and even a balance!) as well as in its co-classes (and which therefore offers Les Mills classes but also pilates, zumba, etc.).

I think chain-owned gyms have specifications that the gyms have to follow in terms of equipment and lessons, whereas in independent gyms it's the owner himself who chooses the equipment and lessons. The owner of an independent room is free to do what he wants in his room and therefore he is better able to listen to and take into account the comments of his customers.

Furthermore, I find that clients in chain gyms are young and come as a hobbyist, but consumers in independent gyms are older and have been practising for years, which is fantastic. Some clients (and perhaps even the employer and lecturers) competed in bodybuilding competitions to be encouraged and to receive advise.

The prices of independent sports halls are not more expensive or even sometimes cheaper (3 months in Orange Bleue, Angers: 150€; 3 months in an independent hall in Angers: 120€)



May 13, 2022


Hippos are able to hold their breath for a very long time to stay underwater. They can even sleep underwater, as a reflex kicks in when it's time to come to the surface to breathe. They do this without waking up. Hippos, despite the aforementioned, are unable to swim. They are incapable of even floating. They bounce off the bottoms of rivers, pools, and other bodies of water, pushing forward with their feet - they literally walk on the water's surface.

Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Dec 17, 2021

  • Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Last active Feb 22, 2023

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