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Just me n my dreams

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  • Joined Apr 27, 2021

  • Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Last active Mar 11, 2022

Although this isn't common for people to have swollen hands after they've walked or ran for a while but at the same time, it is understandable. Basically, what happens is that your blood flow increases to your lungs and your heart decreases from your hands which leads to swelling. But fret not, it isn't something that you need to be worried about.My sister has this condition every time she speed walks but it reduces when she moves her arms whilst walking or performs arms exercises. If you do the same, it shouldn't be a problem. Eventually, you'll be doing it unconsciously while walking as well. Also, remember not to wear anything else on your hands that may further lower the supply of blood i.e. rings and other jewelry items.


I wouldn't say asking for feedback right after you're done with an interview is appropriate. It might make you come off as hasty or impatient. Once you leave the panel room, go to the HR office and ask them how long it usually takes for applicants to hear back from the organization in either case.Once that time period has passed, write an email to the organization asking about whether they have already done the hiring (or whatever it is that you were applying for). Or you may simply ask them to respond to you and inform you of your standing amongst the applicants



March 11, 2022

As is the literal meaning of the word 'feedback', communication refers to acquiring a response from someone.To illustrate the concept, if you are conversing with your fellow workers in a meeting at the workplace, and they tell you an idea to better the progress of the team, it would be known as feedback. Moreover, there are a number of nonverbal feedbacks as well such as nodding your head, smiling at the other person, or clapping, anything that acknowledges what the other person has just said.Feedback may be negative or it may be positive, depending on what the context is and the situation is as well as who you are giving it to



March 11, 2022

Usually, when we think of feedback we create a mental picture of receiving negative or positive feedback from a particular person (perhaps from someone who is an authoritative figure). It can help you build a repute in their eyes and thus, complement your job in a number of ways. 360-degree feedback is exactly the opposite of this. In this, you get anonymous combined feedback from people who are all around you, not just an authoritative figure. It may be from your working colleagues, the lower staff as well as the administration staff. It can help you gain insight regarding what part of you or your service you need to work on.



March 11, 2022

Feedback doesn't always have to be through your words, it may even be your actions. For example, if you are the head of a workplace and you promote a worker or give him more authority than he had before, that is a form of positive feedback. You are non verbally communicating that you like his work and the efforts he puts into his work. Other than this, you may give him a reward to keep the desired behavior going such as an incentive in the salary, an extra holiday after the month and etc. Or if you deem it appropriate and enough, verbal feedback works effectively too.



March 11, 2022

The thing about constructive feedback is that you make sure it isn't personal and that you aren't reflecting your own self or your likes and dislikes in the feedback that you provide. Strictly keep to the content of the work that you need to give feedback over and separate what your views are about the person.Biased feedback isn't always negative, it is at times unnecessarily positive as well so keep in mind that by being lenient, you aren't doing any favor to the recipient. Instead, be honest and realistic with your judgment. P.s. make sure you follow the negatives after the positives when writing the feedback down (if it is in the form of an email)



February 06, 2022

In my personal opinion, the biggest do of a relationship is communication. Several times, we simply assume that the other person can view our side of the picture as well and should not need any sort of explanation. But let me tell you, that's not even half of the truth. So, make sure you communicate your feelings and thoughts to your partner.As far as the don'ts of a relationship are concerned, don't take your partner for granted. Having someone who wants to know about how your day went and wants to make you feel better when you're not at your best, is one of the best things in the world!



February 06, 2022

My mother is a doctor and quite a successful one. She loves her profession and I've always seen her keep her patients at the top of her priority list. So, if I said I don't respect doctors or the effort they put into their job, it would be a lie. Nonetheless, it isn't a profession I would advise anyone to work into.Studying medicine is bigger than an academic commitment, it demands that you compromise your family life, social life and at times even your own well-being (especially in the initial years) and that isn't something everyone can give or guarantee.



February 06, 2022

A professional hockey game is about 60 minutes long, give or take a few minutes. But you can be certain that it won't exceed 60 minutes.The 60 minutes game is then onward divided into three separate periods. The 20-minute periods don't include stoppages in play like the puck leaving the ice, or the NHL intermissions, which are fifteen minutes. If the score between both teams is tied, both teams enter five-minute overtime. In such a scenario, the teams would have to compete in sudden death overtime to settle a tie which is then onwards also made of a 20 mins time period time.



February 05, 2022

I most certainly have and this isn't supposed to be a rant or a complaint in any manner. My life events have made me the person I am today and as much as they made me suffer in the time being, I am glad they gave me a lot to learn. Had it not been for the difficulties thrown at me, I would be a very different individual right now.Don't get me wrong though, I don't think people have to live through hundred's of hardships before they can emerge as victorious, but at the end of the day, everything happens for the best


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Apr 27, 2021

  • Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Last active Mar 11, 2022

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