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Joined Jan 10, 2022
Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Last active Jan 11, 2022
Oh boy, that's a hassle! But don't worry, you've come to the right place for the best solutions! I recommend this 100% free video that I have chosen among many others that have helped me a lot. If I send you the link here my answer could be blocked, send me a message at the address anbdoullohmoussa @ Gmail. com (remove the space before and after the period) and I'll send it to you. Thank you
hello I have a dog called Gucci and he doesn't listen to anything I'm in despair and me when I go for a walk when it's my mother who goes for a walk but I know why he shoots with my mother and not with me because me when he shoots I argue with him and I slap him on the head but my mother lets him shoot so he feels crazy the dog finally short I wanted to say how to make my dog listen but especially since he has already fled several faith in crossing the national I am starting to be afraid I would also like that when we call him HE COMES BACK AND DOES NOT RUN RUNNING