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  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Jan 18, 2023


October 18, 2022

Your teeth have 4 basic layers root, pulp, dentin, and enamel. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue our body produces. But unlike your bone, the enamel is not a living tissue so it cannot repair itself.There are 2 types of troubles a drink can cause:1. An all-over erosion due to the acid a drink contains and2. Spot decay which is caused by the bacteria that grow all over your teeth.Both come down to a pH imbalance. On a scale of 0 to xenomorph, the human mouth has a pretty neutral pH level of around 6.8.Some of the bacteria in our mouths are sugar hungry, so when we consume sweet stuff like soda, they throw the bacterial equivalent of a house party. And while they do it, they produce acid which weakens the enamel eventually causing cavities. So, if you even drink sugar-free sodas, they still contain acids of their own which have a pH of 2 - 2.4. Now the saliva should bring our mouth back to normal within half an hour or so, but our enamel can be affected by anything from about 5.5 pH or below. The erosion and decay caused by chronic soda consumption can be rampant.So, if you drink soda anyway, try using these tips:1. Use straws2. Drink water after drinking any acidic drink.3. Brush your teeth twice a day with a re-mineralizing product to help maintain your enamel.4. Do not brush your teeth immediately after drinking soda, it will erode your softened enamel.


Eruption of teeth is a process in which teeth move through the jawbone and over lying mucosa to emerge in the oral cavity. Humans are diphyodonts which means we have 2 sets of teeth during our lifetime.Here is the eruption sequence of primary dentition:Lower central incisor 6-9 monthsUpper central incisor 7-10 monthsUpper lateral incisor 8-11 monthsLower lateral incisor 9-13 monthsUpper first molar 13-17 monthsLower first molar 14-18 monthsUpper canine 16-22 monthsLower canine 17-23 monthsLower 2nd molar 24-31 monthsUpper 2nd molar 25-33 monthsEruption sequence of permanent dentition:Lower first molar 6- 7 yearsUpper first molar 6-7 yearsLower central incisor 6-7 yearsUpper central incisor 7-8 yearsLower lateral incisor8-9 yearsLower canine9-10 yearsLower first premolar10-11 yearsUpper first premolar10-11 yearsUpper 2nd premolar10-12 yearsLower 2nd premolar11-12 yearsUpper canine11-12 yearsLower 2nd molar12-13 yearsUpper 2nd molar12-13 yearsLower 3rd molar17-23 yearsUpper 3rd molar 17-23 years



October 17, 2022

Too much sugar can lead to cavities which affect young and old alike but what causes cavities is ACID. Acids cause teeth to decay. Your tooth has an outer layer of enamel, a middle layer of dentin, and center pulp. Bacteria that feed on the sugars found in your foods and drinks produce acids that damage the teeth. Each time these foods and drinks are consumed, acids can attack for 20 minutes or more. This eats away the tooth and a hole is formed in it. If this decay is not treated, it can go all the way to the pulp where it might lead to a serious infection. These bacteria can be shared and passed to another person by sharing a cup or spoon, by kissing, or by anything that carries a drop of saliva from one mouth to another. Parents and caregivers can pass along the harmful bacteria to infants and children.This is how tooth decay forms:1. Plaque formationIt is a sticky layer that is formed by bacteria on your teeth. When your food is not properly cleaned off your teeth, bacteria quickly start feeding on them and form this layer of plaque which hardens into calculus.2. Acid attacksThis plaque produces acids that damage your enamel. Once this enamel is worn away, bacteria and acid can reach the dentin.3. Pain startsWhen the bacteria reach the center pulp that contains nerves and blood vessels, pain begins. the pulp gets swollen and irritated. Because there is no space inside the tooth where the swelling can expand, the nerves are pressed, and this is when sharp tooth pain starts.



October 15, 2022


Tortoise shell is hard to protect from predators and the environment. The shell is not a lifeless structure. It is indeed a hard structure but that does not mean it is made up of only bones! It is as much part of its body as a rib cage is ours. In fact, it is their rib cage, spine, vertebrae, and sternum with nerve endings and blood vessels attached to it. So, like human skin, its shell can send impulses of touch and pain to its brain. Basically, their skeleton is inside out, and just like we can't take our skeletons out of our bodies, tortoise skeletons can't be taken out either. It is made up of several bony plates called scutes that regrow to form new fortified layers of the tortoise’s shell and these scutes are connected to each other by a thin layer of skin.



October 14, 2022

Parents are always glad to get gifts from their children whether they are boring or what so ever. These are some of the gifts that you can gift your parents :Chat book or framed photo albumIf you want to keep up with pictures throughout the year and make a more creative kind of photo album that just not going to sit in the cabinet, this is a great option.Customized glasswareThis appeals to a wide variety of people especially those who are in your life. You can order plenty of customized glassware like customizing maps, coordinates, monograms, etc.Portable speakersThey can use it all the time, can listen to music when they are bored or have people over or while entertaining.Outdoor gamesIf your parents don't leave the house, you can gift them games that they can play on their lawns when they are bored. Games like corn hole, bocce ball, kan jam, etc can be a big hit.Instant potsIf your parents enjoy cooking and are all about new kitchen appliances, I recommend instant pot.Insulated cupsThese cups are perfect for the person on the go or the slowest slipper in your life.Aero gardenThis will be perfect for those who are into gardening. It allows you to grow herds, or some sort of plants in your house. It is so cool. It has a light on its top that stimulates daylight and allows you to grow these herbs successfully in your kitchen.



October 14, 2022

Well, I belong to Pakistan which has a population of 216.6 million people.Healthcare delivery system:It is divided into the Public and Private sectors so these are the 2 main sectors that provide services to people.Within the public sector, we also have divisions that are services managed by the Federal government and services managed by the Provincial government. These 2 governments are responsible for making health strategies and infrastructure development.Then within the private sector, there are bigger hospitals that are practicing general practices in different parts of the country. The infrastructure of the healthcare system:We have got a very good infrastructure for our healthcare system, especially with a primary healthcare setup. We have got about 1282 hospitals in the country, 670 rural health centers, 5472 basic health units, and 5743 dispensaries. All of them are linked to each other. Challenges faced by the healthcare systemPoorly maintained infrastructureThe Healthcare system is not well equippedHuman workforce-related issues e.g underpaid professional workers, and job satisfaction.Lack of funding



October 12, 2022

Wine can cause discoloration to your teeth. red wine contains a coloring agent called Chromo Jin that likes to stick to the plaque. So, if you get rid of that plaque you are less likely to have a mouthful of red wine later. You have some options to deal with this staining.Options for removing red wine stains off your teeth:1. Water after wineAfter having a glass of wine and after every glass of wine go and get some sparkling water2. Fibrous foodsAfter drinking your wines, go to the appetizer table and eat some carrots and celery. They have a lot of fiber in them, and fibrous foods will help to produce more saliva in the mouth. So saliva will help to get rid of the redness in your mouth.Tip:Avoid taking white wine before red wine:White wine acts like a primer before you paint your walls and this will erode your enamel layers because wine has different acids it's like priming your teeth for red wine and it will stick a little bit more to your teeth if you start off with white. Wait an hour before brushing your teeth:Never brush your teeth right after drinking wine because wine is full of acids and if you brush your teeth, it will make your teeth a lot more sensitive, and the brush will help you erode tooth enamel.



October 12, 2022


Regular sugar is a split of 50/50 between fructose and glucose whereas honey is 60% fructose and 40% glucose. This glucose goes directly to the liver. All the other cells in the body can metabolize glucose but the liver has to metabolize fructose which is a problem. So, fructose is very damaging to the liver as it causes insulin resistance and fatty liver. Therefore, honey is not a good substitute for sugar. Both honey and sugar are carbohydrates that are broken down by our bodies and can cause high blood sugar levels. Honey can be an alternative to sugar, but it too can elevate blood sugar levels. So, it should be used in moderation. It actually has a little bit more carbohydrates and even more calories than sugar.Benefits of honey:Contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic acids and also bioactive plant compoundsHelpful for heart health-It is helpful in lowering blood pressure, blood fats, and regulating heartbeat.Contains a variety of nutrients like vitamins and some minerals.Helps in type 2 diabetes-Although it raises blood sugar levels, the antioxidants are helpful in protecting against diabetes type 2.



October 12, 2022


Weightlifting is one of the best ways to build muscles and gain strength. But it is a very long and slow process which usually makes a person discouraged. The beginners will notice they are getting stronger relatively quickly in the first 6 months. Then from 6 months to 1 year, they will most likely gain strength about every 3 weeks. However, the muscle size can take 6 weeks to grow. It depends on your weightlifting history and your fitness goals. If you are a beginner, your workout time should be short and your body has the ability to put on a lot of muscle mass really fast, whereas if you are an intermediate or an advanced lifter, you need to spend more time in the gym and your muscle mass process will slow down. A certified sports trainer Alex Shaw says "Because the human body adapts quickly to something new, the minimum amount of time you need to actively strength train for your workout to be effective very much depends on your experience level.



October 12, 2022


Many dental patients have experienced pain after their workouts. This can be because of the following reasons:CavityOnce the cavity is formed, it penetrates the tooth's hardest substance called enamel. And it will proceed down the second layer called dentin and when it reaches the nerve, it can cause severe pain. Air, increased blood flow, or ice cream causes intense sensitivity or tooth pain. Getting this tooth pain while exercising is because of increased blood flow or temperature of the air on inhale.Gum infectionsGum infections are also called gingivitis or periodontitis. When the gums become infected by the bacteria, they become inflamed and swollen. Fluid can build up at the infected site. these areas are sensitive and increased blood flow due to exertion or exercise to these areas may cause sensitivity because of the buildup of pressure.TraumaAn injury to the teeth, gums, or jaw can also be the reason. Sometimes while exercising we may end up gritting our teeth which causes trauma to the teeth producing pain and sensitivity in the teeth and gums. Gritting can also cause trauma to your jaw muscles that will produce pain.If you are experiencing tooth pain while exercising, you should visit your dentist to at least rule out the cause of it. Whether it be tooth decay or gum disease.


Credentials & Highlights

  • Joined Oct 07, 2022

  • Living in Karachi, Pakistan

  • Last active Jan 18, 2023

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