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  • Last active Aug 10, 2022

Maybe because they blame their own frustration in life on themselves, whether it's professional (don't like their job, don't like their situation, their life) or personal (failed marriage, etc). Just as students find a weaker person a scapegoat, frustrated parents vent their bitterness on weaker people.

The fact that it is their offspring also reflects their own childhood/youth and/or their own image. This can create a form of jealousy or a certain hatred because they "see each other again" in a way and this can make them unbearable.

  • Tip

What your answer shows is also and above all that equality is only a myth, a dream created from scratch to bring about a change in the holders of effective power within our societies.

Wealthy parents actually hope their children live up to their wealthy status, otherwise, it's just a bonus. The access network is linked to their own social connections, but are there many high-level researchers among the rich and their families?

No, because research, science, the will to share, and curiosity also come with open education and a need to learn. Need almost stifled in these families, and rarely revealed. Many first-generation successes come from these researchers, engineers, and other entrepreneurs, who have worked, researched, built, developed, etc. The reverse is almost absent. See Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, Schneider, Bouygues, and many more. But how many great talents have come out of these industrial families, how many have advanced knowledge and society?...

Here is my opinion on this situation. Excess possession fossilizes and freezes society, making it even less able to share, and making its members ever more selfish.

  • Tip


January 21, 2022


Maybe because by becoming "old", some become stupid, racist, narrow-minded, selfish, and above all unable to recognize their wrongdoing?

OK, I admit, I caricature lol!

But most of the comments evoke only one story, that of the elderly person who feels abandoned by his descendants.

But do you know that most psychologists agree that the majority of psychic and mental problems are due to the relationship with parents during childhood? If you read Freud for 2 minutes, you can conclude in 75% of cases that it is the fault of the mother ptr!

Now, take a batch of so-called "abandoned" old people, what percentage do you think are aware or willing to admit their share of responsibility for this state of affairs?

Yet they are the ones who educated them, built them, shaped them, for nearly 1/3 of their lives. It's not unusual at all.

How does a father who kicked out his homosexual son, a mother who helped an ex-wife deprive her own son of her child, parents who beat their kids on the pretext of educating them, a suffocating and castrating mother, an absent and resigning father, how can they believe that their child will be at their bedside in their old age? Denial, is so much easier than facing reality.

And do you think this kind of person will give you this kind of detail of their life before complaining about this "abandonment"? Certainly not. On the other hand, complaining like this will arouse your empathy.

I'm not saying that all old people who find themselves alone deserve it. But there certainly are. And they will never tell you.



January 21, 2022


Yes of course. But not blindly. The goal is to obey what makes sense and the people responsible to keep them healthy and alive.
Also, we don't all live an ailing life and that generally involves having imperatives and schedules to respect. In this context, we need children who don't take an hour to accept getting dressed, going to pee, coming to the table for lunch, etc. Yes, you have to teach them to obey but above all, you have to explain to them why and if they detect a contradiction, you have to recognize their error as a parent and congratulate them for having demonstrated common sense!


January 20, 2022


There are in fact 3/4 kind of ''time'' and unfortunately, we have the same words to designate time. The weather.

First, what does time measure? Time measures uh…. The flow of... Time? It is very difficult to explain the weather to someone or to ourselves.

But time, in reality, is a measurement of the physical position of the earth in relation to the sun and to space. When 24 hours pass, it means that the earth has turned on itself, when it passes 1 year means that the earth has made a complete hole around the sun. This is indeed a physical measurement. So when we wait 5 minutes, we are actually waiting for the earth to shift a few degrees on its axis. This is the time. Our watches, our calendars are position indicators, no more, no less. And that's the time. The earth turns on itself, which itself turns around the sun, which itself moves in the universe because the universe is expanding.

And small personal hypothesis, if each event is anchored in a specific position of the earth in relation to the universe. To go back in time it would be necessary to move the earth backward so that it is exactly in the same position when the event was produced.



January 20, 2022


Hmm, that's one more question... philosophical. As much to warn you about philosophy I weigh not a feather.

but but but that's good I'm in the mood to waste my time on this question and try my way to answer your question.

What do you think I am doing right now? Some will say that I waste my time on the networks. I would say that I use my time to answer this question and learn more.

The time I can liken to thermodynamics. We are in an isolated system where the way we use it can be assimilated to the different transformations that can occur in this system. For any transformation either we lose heat but in return we receive work or we perform work while receiving heat. We follow the principle that no loss is useless. It generates compensation in return.

All this to say that if we waste time we learn more about life and about the aspect of the activity of which we waste our time trying to save time we inevitably miss a large part of the learning of life. No loss is really a loss



January 20, 2022


The biggest waste of time in a day is when you waste your time doing something wrong.

For a Muslim, a waste of time is when you disobey God at any time of the day.

One of the scholars (ulema) of Islam said:

The sleep of the learned is better than the adoration of the ignorant:

Because the sleep of the scientist allows him to rest in order to be able to adore God with science.

Whereas the adoration of an ignoramus who adores God without science or knowledge does it for nothing (he wastes his time). Because his adoration is null and not accepted.

This low world is cursed (far from being blessed) except for four elements: The invocations of God, his obedience, a teacher who practices and teaches the good, or a student who learns the good and the useful. (Hadith).

If you apply this Hadith you never waste your time.



January 20, 2022


Let me give you the context:

I get up at 5:15 a.m. I leave at 5:45 am to go to work, and I arrive at 7 am. I spend about 8 hours there, and when I get home, it's 4:30 p.m. OKAY.

Since I get up early, I go to bed earlier than average (logical), around 9:30 p.m., 10 p.m.

*I'm not saying this to make you feel sorry for me, huh!*

This makes a free time slot of around 5 hours, which for obvious reasons:

To cook

Take a shower


Sports (every other day)

Turns into about 2h which can either be productive or spent on entertainment or whatever.

What you should know is that I manage a YouTube channel, and my Quora (even if I don't invest a lot of time in it!).

And there I could clearly say:

"Yeah, but no. You know, I don't have much time so I decided to give up YouTube. You know, I need my dose of League Of Legends otherwise I'm not well"

You can replace "League Of Legends" with whatever you like, it works just as well.

But no, I didn't.

I love making videos so much that it's priority #1... and therefore, I have to make time for myself to script, shoot and edit my videos.

(It would be exactly the same if I had other goals, like getting muscular, building my business…)

What do I do to have time to deal with all that (and more?!).

I make to-do lists. Yeah, yeah, the famous to-do lists you didn't care about when you started your studies.

Every morning - and as the day progresses - I jot down EVERYTHING that comes to mind in my lists.

I have medium/long-term ideas. I have some for the short term… and I also have some to do during the day.

This means that in the evening, as soon as I get home. I am melting. I really want to move forward on my project!



January 20, 2022


The “moments between friends” and the girls.

For example, I have an old friend who lived in a completely lost village that we nicknamed Roswell because there was no one there and it felt like the events were repeating themselves in a loop. Short!

We used to spend weekends at his house to fuck our heads off weed, alcohol, series. I have done dozens of evenings and weekends like this. And it did absolutely no good. It is possible to build strong bonds without having to destroy your health in this way. And then I think I was doing that because I had nothing else, not really any benchmarks or goals. I do not regret it so far, but if I had to do it again it would be without way.

The girls are also a big waste of time since it ends in a jerk and then there you go (for those who have a good “game”, that is to say not much). Sometimes it's not conclusive, so you spent time seducing a girl for nothing. Not to mention the time spent browsing seduction sites and videos to realize (for the more lucid) that it's a huge joke and a huge business. Oh fuck…

There are girls who deserve our time. Unfortunately, they are the most discreet. The ones that stand out the most are the useless ones. It's the experience that speaks.

Young man, focus on your fucking life. Everything is within yourself. You have to suffer a little to find the right keys within us. But no need to fall into these traps that make you believe that happiness is elsewhere, outside of you. As if someone knows better than you what you need. Solitude is necessary. You will understand when even surrounded, you will feel alone. You have to go through it.



January 20, 2022


“Put a frog in a container full of water and start heating the water. When the water temperature begins to rise, the frog adjusts its body temperature accordingly. The frog continues to adjust its body temperature to the rising water temperature. Just when the water is about to boil, the frog can no longer adapt. At this point, the frog decides to jump. The frog tries to jump, but it cannot because it has lost all its strength to adapt to the rising water temperature. Very soon, the frog dies.

What killed the frog?

Many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was his own inability to decide when to get out. »

We all have to adapt to people and situations, but we have to know when and how we need to adapt and when we need to move on. There are times when we have to face the situation and take appropriate action.

If we allow people to exploit us physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, or mentally, they will continue to do so.

What I now know is the need to let yourself decide when to jump. While we still have the strength.


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  • Joined Jan 19, 2022

  • Living in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Last active Aug 10, 2022

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